I just got out of the tree and warmed up. It is seventeen degrees here in Northern Illinois and the wind is pretty gusty. I was sitting against a little tree that is swaying back and forth pretty good. The sun was just resting on the horizon when four does come running from the hill behind me to the group of little trees I was sitting in. One of the does saw me and ran back. I came to a full draw on the larger doe, but the shot did not feel right. I was leaning forward and had the bow turned about 45 degrees to get around some branches, so I did not shoot. The doe that ran back up the hill then turned around and came back with a little buck on her tail. He was really working to get close to these does. My guess is the yearling does were coming in and he was chasing after them. I have a doe bleet call (one of those can calls) but it was sitting in the front seat of the truck so I had to bleet the best I could. I could get him to stop and look at me, but I was no compitition to the real does standing in front of him. By the end of the night I had seven does under my stand but they were moving to much for me to get a good shot. I have already put an arrow in a really nice buck that I never found, so I am waiting for perfect shots only. It was a great time and I can't wait until morning. My freezer is empty so far this year and I am wondering if the man upstairs has it in his plans for me to put some meat in it. All in all it was exciting to be out and watching the deer tonight.