Author Topic: Deer Season 2006 Ohio  (Read 756 times)

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Offline Wolfgang

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Deer Season 2006 Ohio
« on: December 05, 2006, 05:20:01 AM »

Hello Again Everyone,

Well I concluded my deer season this morning at 8:40 A.M.  This post is not really about the Handi but since I've been conversing with you guys electronically I just thought I'd let you know about this deer season.  It was a typical Ohio season with day one being in the mid fifties and sunny as was day two but it got up to the mid sixties.  Wednesday brought clouds and rain but still warm weather and then Thursday cooled down a little with heavy (about three inches) of rain.  Friday the winds started to blow at a constant 30 to 40MPH with the occasional 50 to 60MPH gusts.  It's now Saturday and the morning started out at a balmy 22 degrees and then it got really hot(35 degrees )  As for the season, my brother took a button buck on opening day with a shotgun, on Tuesday he shot a doe again a shotgun, his daughter shot a doe also with a shotgun and I shot a doe with my Savage 10 ML, all within about one half hour from each other.  The doe that I harvested was at a measured 207 yards.  My brother witnessed the shot and could not believe that it could be made.  When we dressed the deer I found the Hornady 45 caliber 240 grain Mag XTP just under the hide on the off side of the deer.  I will try and get a picture of it to post as it was truly amazing performance out of a bullet designed for a handgun.  The thing looked as if it had been fired into test media and recovered for use in an add.  My brother told me that I should send a picture or the bullet to Hornady and see if they wanted to use it.  Finally we get to this morning and 8:40 A.M.  I really wanted to take one with a nice set of antlers but as it is there are way too many does and when I was presented with a walking broadside shot at about 40 yards I took another doe with the S&W 629 .44 mag revolver.  Seasons over for me as we have a two deer limit in my part of the state and I couldn't use anymore than that anyhow.

Sorry to be so long winded but it was a good season and I wanted to share.  The 200+ yard doe is the one closest to the camera.

Best to all,


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Offline GregP42

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Re: Deer Season 2006 Ohio
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2006, 08:16:36 AM »
Um Wolfgang,

I am hoping you meant it was over Sunday.... As that was the last day of firearms season in the state of Ohio, we have two more days for firearms on the 16th and 17th, but that is it until muzzle loading season which is 3 days. As of Monday it went back to bow season.

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Offline Wolfgang

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Re: Deer Season 2006 Ohio
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2006, 09:17:16 AM »

Sorry about the goof up.  I posted this in another part of the forum on Saturday but it should have been placed here.  I just copied and pasted the body of the text on the post.  At any rate my season ended on Saturday as I harvested my second deer then.  In our county, Wyandot, we have a two deer limit.  I had thought about waiting until the second part of the new season, Dec. 16th and 17th but thought better of it as there were all of the family Christmas things going on and so forth.  Muzzle Loader was another option but as it is I finished up during the regular gun season.  Good catch on the dates though as I never even thought of that when I re-posted this! :D

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Offline rihmfire

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Re: Deer Season 2006 Ohio
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2006, 01:40:47 PM »
All I want to know is
Whens the B-B-Q ;D

Offline GregP42

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Re: Deer Season 2006 Ohio
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2006, 08:57:54 PM »

No worries, just wanted to make sure. I am waiting for the 16th-17th to go back out. I saw 4 new does on the place that last Sunday. I figure they came in there because of the shooting other places. I have been watching and they are not leaving the farm, just hiding in the woods and going over to the pond. Just got to get close enough to put a round in one from the muzzle loader.

And when is the BBQ?  ;D ;D

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Offline Wolfgang

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Re: Deer Season 2006 Ohio
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2006, 06:03:32 PM »
Already had the loins! ;D  I have to go to the meat locker and pick up the first one they called and said it was ready.  Hated to take it there to be processed but it was so warm on those forst few days I was afraid to let it hang for too long.  Ended up costing $120.00 but that was with 15lbs of summer sausage.  Usually we do it ourselves.

"We have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve."

Offline GregP42

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Re: Deer Season 2006 Ohio
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2006, 11:13:16 AM »
Already had the loins! ;D  I have to go to the meat locker and pick up the first one they called and said it was ready.  Hated to take it there to be processed but it was so warm on those forst few days I was afraid to let it hang for too long.  Ended up costing $120.00 but that was with 15lbs of summer sausage.  Usually we do it ourselves.



Where did you take yours? I took mine over to Davidson's meat in Warren county. I paid $82 and that was with a big stick of pepperoni made out of mine. Where I live in the city the people around me would more than likely freak out.  ::)

But your right, it was way too warm, I hope it cools down a little for this weekend.

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