Several tenderized steaks, a cup of Buttermilk, flour, salt, pepper, a pinch of garlic powder, a little grease and a skillet.
Soak the venison in the buttermilk for 30-45 minutes, Put about a ciup and half of flower in a plastic bag, add the salt pepper, and garlic powder. Remove the meat from the buttermilk, allow the excess buttermilk to drain off, dreop the steak in the bag of flower and shake, continue this process untill all of the meat is covered with flower. Heat skillet with about 1/4 -1/2 inch of oil (I used olive oil) place the meat in skillet and brown each side, drain on a paper towel.
After the meat has cooked, remove most of the left opver grease, add the remaining flower, you may have to add additional flower, brown the flower, In a large measuring cup, add 1 cup of fresh milk, and a cup of tap water. when the flower is brown pour the milk/water mixture into the skillet, continue to stir, cook down or let thicken, add more milk or water until the gravey is the right consisstency.
Before doing this, put three cups of water in a large pot, add 1 -1/2 cups of rice and let cook while cooking the meat and gravy. Cook veggies of choice, or make salad and you are ready to eat.
A piece of meat, big spoon full of rice topped with gravey, and veggies or salad and you are ready for a tum meal.....................