In the last few days I've been reading up on the .44 mag handi rifle on this site. Many of the complaints have been that accuracy is not very good with them. It seems that the bore diameter is too large by a couple thousanths of an inch. This combined with the 1 in 38 rate of twist seems to make accuracy poor. I've been looking in to getting one of these rifles for target shooting, and possibly hunting. Since the primary use of the gun will be targets and plinking, ammo will mostly be FMJ, JSP, or JHP. The brands I should have access to are American Eagle, and probably WWB. I have no idea what grain they are. My question is, how inaccurate are these guns? I dont really expect super tight groups, the ability to hit a clay pigeon at 75-100 yards is accurate enough for what I want the gun to do. What does everyone think, for hunting pop bottles and maybe deer, would this rifle be accurate enough? Those of you who own one, can you tell me specifically what groups you have gotten, and at what range? keep in mind I will be using jacketed bullets almost exclusively. Thanks in advance for information