trace, you could try speed dip also if you have a little time to air them out before using them. I use speed dip now almost exclusively on all of my traps, water and land-predator traps alike, and am very satisfied with the results. I have used several brands and all have been fairly consistent in results. Use either white gas (lantern fuel) or a high grade lead-free gasoline to mix and follow directions on the product container. You do want all of the excess rust off of them, and any dirt, etc. but a light rusting is OK. I have an old canner that I mix about two gallons up in and then can dip just about any sized trap in that big old canner. For #330s I sometimes have to use a paint brush to get the dip mixture onto every surface area. Then just hang them up for several days until the fuel/dip scent is gone. A breezy area works best. Warmer weather seems to work best for dipping but I have redipped traps in cold weather and as long as the air is moving it works OK. I also just rotate my dirty predator traps to my water line and when set underwater scent is not an issue. I also live in heart of very populated and mostly agricultural area in Southeastern Nebraska, where every field around here has some diesel, oil, or gasoline drips here and there from trucks, tractors, you name it. I think our coyotes and fox here just are very accustomed to this and as long as it has not harmed them or caused any negative learning experience then there doesn't seem to be any fear of trap odors. The dip is very convenient for me anyway.
Good luck and congratulations on the gift!!!