Sat afternoon my son got his first deer! he's 9 and I have him setup with a NEF superlight 223 with the stock shortened, with a Sightron s2 2.5-7 "shotgun" scope
nailed his first deer (spike) about 90 yards out, text book perfect shot behind the shoulder, deer jumped straight up and went off through the brush.. waited about 45 mins (hard for him to deal with!) my son found the blood trail and there it was about 50 yards out dead to rights. 64g Federal tactical sp went through both rib cages with a good 1" plus hole and through the opposite shoulder
too bad the deer didn't read where a 223 wasn't "enough gun"
I asked him what he thought the instant he pulled the trigger, his response "suasage!"
the other funny thing was when I showed him the entrance wound he said "but I aimed here" and pointed to a spot a 1/2" in front of the hole. ah.. thought I was going to weep
We had a GREAT time
It's such a great thing to be out there with your son, passing on the tradition.
I also got my first deer with my new .41 mag Smith, got it Friday and it did a stellar job, write up in the handgun hunting forum