This weekend my son and I got invited to a friend's place about 90 miles northwest of Austin..
had a great time
Sat afternoon we were hunting a 2 person blind about 15ft off the ground, behind us ran a creek and in front was a big field, about a hundred yards or so across and maybe 200 yards wide..
My son (9) wanted to try a trick we had read about. He put a spoonful of peanut butter on the ground about 50 yards in front of us. Well, about 45 minutes later we detected movement under the tree line in front and to the left... a few does came out and were coming across the field, about 1/2 way across they turned and started heading straight to the peanut butter!
the wind was blowing it straight down to them... they came and were milling around out in front of us searching, Sean was laughing quietly about it... he had told me to shoot the first deer, so, I lined up the sights on one of them with my S&W 41 mag pistol, just about to squeeze the trigger and he says "I want to shoot!", ok.. let the hammer down.. he gets setup with his 223 NEF singleshot and drops the hammer, the deer was probably 60 yards out, saw dust fly right over the top of her... he didn't any kind of rest for his right arm.. arg...
So, the deer take off and he tells me to "shoot one of them dad!"
about a hundred yards out I zero in on one with my trusty old Sako 243, squeeze the trigger, doe takes about 2-3 steps and falls down... cool, we won't get "skunked" this weekend...
15 minutes or so passes.... with about an hour to sunset we see more movement in the far tree line directly in front of us and we see this "albino" looking buck, very, very light colored fur, stood out like a sore thumb.
Nice looking rack, wide, I count 8 points.
well, the next 30 minutes or so I am trying to get a clean shot. but the sun is setting behind the deer and either I can't see a damned thing through the scope, total washout or if I get a 1/2 way decent view the deer is blocked by trees, arg!
it is slowly walking right, and after 30 minutes or so of this frustration...and now out a good 300 yards and it's just about disappear into the trees and gone forever.. arg! it turns back
I tell Sean and he's very excited!
then it hops a fence and is in a smaller field that's adjacent to the field we are over....
So, with the sun setting and the buck out at about 250 yards or so, grazing on grass, I get ready for the shot, got a good rest, dialed in the A/O to the range and spent the next 30 minutes trying to get the shot off because there's a big oak tree about 30 ft from the blind with a million little branches in the way!
I would get lined up for the perfect shot, trying to sight through a 3-4" "hole" in the brush, and I would be just about ready to squeeze the trigger and I would move my head down, sight down the barrel plane and look at the deer, I wanted to make sure the bullet would not hit a branch, nope, too close.. wait, sight in again, got the deer, check for clearance, got it, look back at the deer through the scope, crap! it moved, check bore again, crap! not a clear shot.. arg.. for 30 minutes..
grabbed our little pack to raise the gun about about 6" for a rest and better clearance, finally. the shot was right and I squeezed the trigger, confident in my shot..
boom! saw white, lost the deer in the scope, quickly recover and look for the deer, can't see anything and I see deer scattering..
didn't see that almost white deer though..
so, we get down and walk over...
and in the tall grass I see a clump if blonde fur..
woo hoo! my son is so excited
went over and sure enough, dead, dead, bullet entered about 3" behind the shoulder, dead center vertically.
both shots were with Federal Classic 80g soft points
no exit wound, 1" hole through both ribcages, lung soup
dragged both deer to the same spot, took a few pics and got to field dressing them before we ran out of light.
We were both very excited, I have never seen a deer like this, neither had the land owner.. I called my dad, a grizzled old veteran hunter and he hadn't either.... very cool