I was busy spending some of my hard earned fur check on truck repairs sitting in customer lounge reading a (Wisconsin Outdoor Journal) April 2006. Paging thru the multitude of fishing, bowhunting, poacher news, What Fur Trappers Know.... ... ... whoa back up here a minute.... Heading says; (What Fur Trappers Know: Beavers get cabin fever too) Right below that caption is a picture of our famous TPC story writer Boggy reseting a beaver trap and on the bank in front of him is a black super blanket beaver accented by wet leather gloves....... ahem... our Boggy is tough he doesnt use rubber gloves....LOL.. At any rate perked me up and then the service department called and said " your truck is ready" As i looked at repair bill i was brought down to reality and figured i would need about 100 more prime muskrats to pay off bill.... Gulp!.