Author Topic: Garmin 60CS Compatibility With Mac PowerBook G4?  (Read 829 times)

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Garmin 60CS Compatibility With Mac PowerBook G4?
« on: January 04, 2007, 08:24:47 PM »
I have both a Garmin 60CS and a Mac PowerBook G4 with OS X version 10.3.9.  When I originally purchased the 60CS, more than one-year ago, I was told that I could not connect with the Garmin website for downloads of any and all types.  If this was indeed factual could you tell me if this is still the case?  Is there anyway I can use my Mac to download information in order to upgrade my 60CS?



P.S. What is the absolute easiest way to learn the proper way to use the 60CS?
"Things will get done little by small."  ---  Joseph J. Venturo Sr.  ---  Joseph was my father-in-law, while he was not a formally educated man he certainly and without doubt was a very smart man, and a man who loved his children.

Offline Siskiyou

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Re: Garmin 60CS Compatibility With Mac PowerBook G4?
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2007, 06:20:24 AM »
A few scattered thoughts.

Top FAQs / MapSource/G-Charts:
1.   Q. Are MapSource and the USB Datacard Programmer compatible with Windows XP?
A. Yes.
All MapSource products are compatible with Windows 98, 98SE, ME, NT, 2000, and XP. When using the USB Datacard Programmer, you will need to have Windows 98, 98SE, ME, 2000, or XP. Windows 95 and NT are not compatible with Garmin USB devices. Apple Macintosh compatibility is not available at this time.
When installing a Garmin Datacard Programmer on Windows XP using an older set of Garmin's USB card programmer drivers, a warning will be displayed urging you to use caution in installing the Garmin USB Card Programmer. Loading the Garmin device on your computer will not cause any damage and the drivers have been thoroughly tested to ensure that the integrity of your system is maintained. Simply continue to install the USB Datacard Program using the provided installation instructions. Newer Garmin USB datacard programmer do contain updated drivers that will not prompt the compatibility warning.

First I read the manual, which gave me a few clues but did not give me all the answers.  It was not written in Siskiyou.  But I started taking long walks and spent some time setting on rocks playing with the unit.  .

I created a Waypoint called home.  And from home I would hike around generating new waypoints.  I played with the different pages and learned to use the compass page in relationship to Waypoint Home.  I would walk up and down the street and see how the compasses needle, (bearing pointer) would point at the waypoint. And at the same time the out face of the compass would turn giving me my relationship to NEWS. 

My next step was to try a few geocaches. 

I recommend looking for virtual caches.  You are looking for a fixed object rather then a container.  An example might be a historical marker.  Unfortunately some people who put out caches do not follow the rules and get permission to place the cache.

Your 60CS has good base map.  The Basemap list the nearest freeway exits.  You can use this to practice.  Find an exit number and select it and do a GoTo.

I recommend Bench Mark hunting  Beware that some of these are on private property and back off if it looks like you are going to be in trespass.  You can find maps on the geocaching website that are very helpful. 

I would find a friend who has a computer with a Windows operating system and see if you can download the updates.  I would go as far as talking to my friend about loading US Topo on his/her machine.  Then your friend can benefit from having the maps.

I spent a lot of time in the evening watching TV, and pushing buttons on the gps with the manual open so that I could understand it.

I also created and deleted a lot of tracks.  Once I installed US Topo and was able to create tracks on a map it was more fun.  Even without US Topo I would go out and scout for deer.  I would start out creating a new waypoint called PK for my vehicle.  I would selected the Track Icon, and start a new track, and then start my scout, when I found interesting tracks I would create a new waypoint(s), when I found a spring, or a good location for a stand I would create a waypoint.  In a couple of miles I would be back at PK.  But at the turning point I would select the waypoint option and select nearest waypoint and scroll down the list to PK.  I then would select the go to option.  I would then go to the compass pointer and follow it back to my vehicle.  I would still create new waypoints as needed.

Learning to use a gps takes sometime and effort.  A friend takes his walking.  For a long time the neighbors thought he had a heart monitor.  In fact the walk was helping his heart.

There is a learning process to effectively using a gps.  Do not throw your compass and map away!

Boycott: San Francisco, L.A., Oakland, and City of Sacramento, CA.

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Re: Garmin 60CS Compatibility With Mac PowerBook G4?
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2007, 07:30:49 AM »

Your informative fashion of explaining some of the basic concepts and hands on techniques will be very productive as I make more inrodes into acquiring the skills necessary to master this device.  I have to openly admit that this GPS, and most likely all GPS units are more difficult to master than what I was lead to believe that they would be.  I have no doubt that the benefits and rewards will pay enough dividends to outweigh 'the investment of time and pain.'

Siskiyou, thanks very much for taking your time to put together the explanations and suggestions.  They almost immediately appear to be very useful on a level that even I can comprehend and utilize.

"Things will get done little by small."  ---  Joseph J. Venturo Sr.  ---  Joseph was my father-in-law, while he was not a formally educated man he certainly and without doubt was a very smart man, and a man who loved his children.

Offline Siskiyou

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Re: Garmin 60CS Compatibility With Mac PowerBook G4?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2007, 07:39:47 AM »
You a welcome, I will start a new topic on starting somebody new to a gps.
There is a learning process to effectively using a gps.  Do not throw your compass and map away!

Boycott: San Francisco, L.A., Oakland, and City of Sacramento, CA.

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Re: Garmin 60CS Compatibility With Mac PowerBook G4?
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2007, 06:31:32 PM »
for macs and gps try "" they have a forum and dailey email updates.
I have been a lost child most of my life. 
Since being born in a log cabin that I built with my own hands, it has been an uphill struggle all the way.  Being so devastatingly handsome, intelligent,  rich-beyond-belief, and humble have all worked together to shape me and my destinies.