Maybe but the .45 carbide die resizes the cartridge base only. The guy that told me about using the .45 die neck sizes only. I had a Hornady .45 carbide die bored out in the top end so a 30-06 will go all the way in even loaded. The carbide ring won't do anything for new brass. I already had a 7mm-08 FL die set. With the 760 30-06 I had and now the 7600 7-08 I have I have to run my loads through the chamber once before hunting with them as they are hard to eject the first time. I told my friend about it and he suggested trying the .45 die first. He said rifle dies don't resize the case as close to the base as the pistol die. A small base die for a 7-08 is a cutom order die from RCBS. When he told me about the .45 die trick he didn't realize his older .45 was deeper than dies are now. I can't use the decapping rod in my Hornady die now. I've run my 30-06, .243, & 7-08 ammo through it and the 30-06 caes needed it the most. I can tell a real difference after running the 30-06 loads through it. It has helped my 7-08 & .243 ammo too. I guess it depends on the rifle and how many times the cases have been used.