Author Topic: Rat prices #2  (Read 708 times)

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Offline four coil

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Rat prices #2
« on: February 25, 2007, 01:34:44 AM »
With all the rats bought back at the last NAFA auction, what is everyone going to do with their remaining stocks? Is it a good idea to hold on to them till the first auction of next year?                                                                                                       

Offline RdFx

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Re: Rat prices #2
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2007, 02:53:48 AM »
I dont believe any country buyer is going to buy any rats unless you give them to him!  I think ( my own feeling) is to send up to Fur Harvesters and let them site up there.  They are being stored in proper storage and  its possible that a sale can be made even  when not on auction block in what i believe is called treaty sales.  This fur outlet  FHA, is better than you keeping in freezer (if you have one and the room) or hanging being eaten by dermy beatles.    Good luck

Offline trappnman

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Re: Rat prices #2
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2007, 03:16:11 AM »
I'd guess all the country buyers will still be buying rats.

I blame much of this hype on rats- to the internet and forums.

If one would have listened to the BUYERS rather thean the SELLERS for the past 3 months, it wouldn't be such a surprise to many of you.

there never was any real money behind the rat push.

so next year Im thinking all the internet trpapers will target possums, and then cry when that market falls apart.

Sell furs in season- early, early....late, late....and you are going to do as good as you are going to do.

If I never hear again "otters (substitute whatever fur you like) are worth 5xs what they are paying...we got robbed agian", it will be all too soon for me.

sorry boys- your fur is worth what IT SELLS FOR.

I forgive the new trappers- they don't have a clue about fur markets (although, that sure doesn't stop the chatter)- but you old timers- think a little bit....

I sold all but a couple of my male mink at $24, all my females for $17, all my rats for $7, all my coon (green) for $13-15 average (depending on each sale), nose count on reds $20, yotes $22 (early WY yotes $30), and beaver green for $25 and badger from $25-35 unskun.

about exactly what I thought going into the season my furs would be worth.....

So am I a genius? hardly (although, I AM Tom's hero  ;D ) But I do pay attention and I do talk to fur buyers throughout the year-
Your American Heritage- Fur Trapping, Hunting & Fishing

Offline ncmountainman

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Re: Rat prices #2
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2007, 10:52:13 AM »
Same here Trappnman. I been through all that in the old days myself. I have been doing a thing or two with helping get things going better with the trappers and buyers out this way. So many buyers are gone now, especially local buyers. I did as I normally do and sold before the prices fell. You can see what I got for XL muskrats in the March T&PC market report $7.50. My top XL mink went for $25.00 I have been working on getting a better market for cats and yotes before I get back into any of the dry land trapping. Im pretty sure I have that taken care of. It can pay to shop around on some things as buyers very often do have preferences for what furs they really want to buy. I do stay with the ones that treat me right. I look more for a fair grade and good averages than the high price. I will have something solid I can count on before planning big operations. It looks like I will be spending a lot more time in the shop working on traps this summer.