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Offline firstshot

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Bound For Texas!!!
« on: December 26, 2006, 10:36:04 AM »
I've been offered a job in Austin and although still netotiating, it looks likely that we'll be moving there soon.
What's hunting like in that part of the world?  Is there much public land available in the Austin area?  How hard is it to find a hunting lease?  It's next to impossible here in NW Arkansas.  What do leases go for per acre down there?  What kind of game in the area?  I assume deer and hogs, what about turkey, quail, rabbits, squirrel, varmints / coyotes?  What else?
Any info on the area would be greatly appreciated.
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Offline markc

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Re: Bound For Texas!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2006, 12:00:20 PM »
Not sure about public hunting in the Austin area, but leases close to town, an hour or less drive will be quite expensive.  These days leases start around $1000.00 per gun and go up from there.  I would look a bit west towards Sonora or Ozona if I were living in the Austin area.  A neighbor just picked up a lease in Freidricksburg which isn't too far away and is paying around $1200. per gun for a 200 acre place.   News papers like the Houston Chronicle is a good place to start looking.  Also, most of the small towns chamber of commerce have web sites.  Look for hunting lease links on those web sites.  Good luck.

Offline elmer

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Re: Bound For Texas!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2006, 07:19:14 AM »
Not much public land in Texas in general and not all of that is open to hunting. You may want to look south and west around San Antonio / Kerrville / Uvalde.
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Offline markc

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Re: Bound For Texas!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2007, 03:23:36 AM »
Not sure why I didn't mention it, but the Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept will have info on public hunting.  There's over 1 milllion acres of public hunting land in Texas, but how close some of that is to Austin, I don't really know..

Offline firstshot

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Re: Bound For Texas!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2007, 01:20:17 PM »
Thanks to all for your comments and info.  It looks like the move to Austin is a go.  I'll definitely check out the Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept and the Houston Chronicle.  I'll probably just wait till I get down there and get a feel for the area first.

Thanks again

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Offline markc

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Re: Bound For Texas!!!
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2007, 03:12:15 AM »
Be sure to check the local newspaper in Austin.  Also, find a good old fasioned feed store and hang out there some.  get to know some of the locals and see what they can tell you about hunting opportunities.   


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Re: Bound For Texas!!!
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2007, 07:54:50 AM »
Hope you find something when you get there. Right now is a good time to look for places to hunt hogs. Deer season is winding down and hog season(for us) is gearing up. I myself am looking into a new job and if it works out I am planing on givin hogs he&& again.

Offline hardertr

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Re: Bound For Texas!!!
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2007, 09:30:32 AM »
There are PLENTY of places to hunt in Texas.  TP&W has all the info you need for public hunting:

They have maps of the public land for year-round hunting, as well as info on the "lottery hunts" they put on throughout the year.  I've done these hunts several times, and you really can't beat it.

As far as "private land".  Texas is well know for thier deer leases.  They can be anything from small time $500-$1000 dollars per gun per year with a local farmer, to $5000 and up on the "name brand" ranches in the hill country and down south.

If you want to hunt a private lease...which I prefer.... you can get a good lease if you're willing to do a little work.  Most leases in Texas are advertised within a month of deer season.  By the time the ad is out in the paper, the good leases are already taken.  Here's a secret.... go to the Austin American Statesman (the big Austin newspaper) and ask to search classified from September through October of the last season.  You'll be able to find some of the leases that were advertised before the new season ever starts.  THAT WAY, you have a chance to do some scouting and possibly get in some dove or quail hunting.

Other options like talking to folks at the feedstores, small time gun shops or even small-time cafes in the more rural suburbs might pay off.  Another option is to get to know folks at the cattle auction barns....this can be a little awkward, but it will pay off if you try.

Finding a lease in Austin is going to be tough if you wait until the last minute.  Most folks in that area have a LOT of money, and have caused the prices to go insanely high.

Another option is Ft. Hood.  They allow unguided public hinting during bird season and archery season.  It's less than an hour up the road, but they have taken some really good deer off of the training area in the past 10 years.  Here's a link:'scenter.htm
Give Hunt Control or the Pro Shop a call and they will help you out.

Other hints.... stay away from San Antonio for dove hunting.  There are a TON of idiots throwing shot everywhere.

If you're looking for good hunting, try the hill country.  Anywhere within the Lampassas-Junction-Interstate 35 triangle is good hunting with the chance for hogs and free-range exotics.  You can call the Chamber of Commerse in most of the towns and ask about hunting leases.  They can be pretty helpful.

If you have any other questions... there are enough of us that hunt/hunted Texas that can help you out.
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Offline firstshot

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Re: Bound For Texas!!!
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2007, 09:36:24 AM »

Thanks for all the info and links.  That's a great idea about searching "last year's" classified adds!!!!

I don't mind a bit of legwork one bit to find the right lease.  Like you, I would prefer a private lease, or at least one with a few folks that I know and trust.  For me, the optimum situation would be to find a year round lease.  I've got two kids ages 9 and 6 that I would like to keep in the outdoors as much as possible.

I would like to shoot a big buck just as much as the next guy; however, I wouldn't classify myself as a "Trophy" hunter.  Having the opportunity to spend more time in the outdoors (i.e. year round) is much more important to me.  I enjoy hunting small game "almost" as much as big game and if I could find a place where you could also hunt turkey, hogs, preditors and small game like rabbits, squirrel, dove / qual in addition to deer, well, I guess I'd be almost in heaven.  If fishing were also available....I guess that would be 7th heaven...LOL

Thanks again for all the info!!!!

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Offline williamlayton

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Re: Bound For Texas!!!
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2007, 12:15:06 AM »
You may already be in Texas, by now.
Having read this a bit, while it was hot, and not knowing where from you are, I assume you will have more trouble getting use to the size and the drives than finding a place too hunt.
Two counties over may be a state over somewhere else.
The good thing about it is that the laws are the same and out of state licenses do not apply. There is plenty of hunting available north and west of Austin--expensive?--i don't know your situation!-However; It is GOOD hunting and there are lots of different game.