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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« on: January 10, 2007, 02:49:58 AM »
FYI....please review photo on the right of your monitor....

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Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2007, 02:24:55 AM »
Static discharge....

Offline Matt

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Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2007, 02:43:35 AM »
static discharge blew the side of the building out... hmm only if explosives were present to the set off by the discharge

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Offline TrenchMud

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Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2007, 12:18:35 PM »
Look up how the buildings were actually constructed, it was kind of strange. The plane simply struck one of the floor supports and energy transfer pushed the floor support out the other side at the same instant. The construction design of the buildings caused 9-11 to be such a tragedy. If it would have been built like most other skyscrapers of the time, I doubt it would have collapsed. Been damaged severly yes, but not collapsed. Most of the weight seems to have been on the outer "exo-skeleton' of the buildings by design.Two of the four sides were damaged in the actual impact of both buildings. leaving only two sides to support the upper floors. The heat was not intense enough to actually melt the steel or make it "Burn" but it was hot enough to allow the steel to bend.
Gravity then took over and the weight of the upper floors came down and caused a kind of sideways domino effect on the lower floors. Those "PHYSICS" folks on that website should study some architecture. and maybe their website would not make them look so foolish. I bet they are all democrats trying to find ways to make Bush look bad. There is the actual conspiracy here ! What they are insinuating is pretty funny and silly though. And to anyone who may be wondering, Yes, I have studied Architecture, And physics for that matter!. Now I do not fully understand what they are trying to say with the Pentagon picture. Looks like they just superimposed a before and after picture to me with little other point to it. Explain if you understand it ?
Imagine if you were flying that plane. and if there were explosives on a certain floor that you had to hit,
moving at 5 to 6 hundred miles an hour. In a slight banking turn. The odds of doing it would be about like hitting the lottery. BUT . not impossible. But doing it twice to get both towers to collapse? No way.
At those speeds there would not have even been time to count floors from the top down to get it right..
Who knows though, Someone could have put a piece of bright Orange paper in a window or something to use as a target. As far as the picture with the "Flash" at the point of impact. If you compress a piece of soft metal against a piece of much harder metal at high speed, what do you get?....SPARKS.  That one really slipped by those PHYSICS guru's.

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Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2007, 01:47:42 PM »
Well trenchmud, I would have to agree that it would have been quite a feat. In looking at the documentary concerning the collapse of the buildings, as the floors fell due to structure failure (the bending beams) the weight would increase and would cause growing momentum. I do not know this absolutely, but after having watched it on live TV, the day it happened, I believe it probably is.
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Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2007, 12:34:11 PM »
I think the whole jist of the matter is no one really trusts the goverment. I know I don't. The theroies and so forth for the most part are just that. There are probably thousands of people with a lot of technical skilles that have anyalized the video  over and over and are not in bed with the goverment, and haven't came up with anything. As far as the strength of the towers goes, the Titanic wasn't supposed to sink. But it did.
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Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2007, 06:33:45 AM »
I honestly don't have a valid argument. I can only and continuely say, I don't know.
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Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2007, 08:42:30 AM »
What are they trying to prove ? That arabs in addition managed to set up demolition charges and to coordinate the explosion exactly with the planes hitting the buildings ?

Why makes things so much more complicated than necessary ? Two planes OR demolition charges were enough to lead to "terror".

And if there were evidence of demolition charges, why would the governement hide it ?

In France some antiamericans dumb asses even tried to prove the whole thing was set up by the US governement to justify the war on Irak !

People seems to always prefer complex plot to the plain and simple truth.

As for the fuel not able to melt steel, OK but keep in mind there was fuel AND alumuninum and magnesium. These burns too and generates a lot of heat ! Thermite is a mix of powdered aluminum and ferric oxyides !

Oh and yes, these people are making money selling books about it !

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Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2007, 01:34:05 PM »
Another good point. But did the steel have melt, or just get hot enough to bend, to accomplish the same thing?
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Offline BoarHunter

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Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2007, 10:28:45 PM »
Steel beam do not have to reach 800C to see their strength reduced, it is gradual and depend on the steel. Besides steel used in beam are not high tech alloy steel.

As soon as the beams start to bend, they bend faster and faster, so the upper floors collapsed, releasing a tremendous energy like a gigantic hammer, making the lower floors collapse and this in turn releases more energy and the whole process acellerates.

Buildings are designed for a static charge, not a chock like the one experienced in this case.

Comparative studies have shown that if these buildings were made with more concrete as in Europe, they would not have collapsed like this. New buildings will have beams better proteced by concrete for example.

As for not trusting the governement, OK, this is normal. Once individuals are in power, it is very tempting to abuse of it. It is human nature and the "people" must always keep an eye on them. This is democracy.

 Now, keep in mind that many time what people see  a plot or a conspiracy itis often just plain incomptence or lack of proper communication.

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Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2007, 12:52:30 AM »
how do you know that isnt smoke from the other tower?If someone was going to use explosives why use the planes?Just blow the damn things up and blame the rag heads,no planes needed.
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Offline TrenchMud

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Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2007, 01:58:43 PM »
If there were explosives, Why not plant them at the bottom of the towers for Max effect?
Seems like a better place to put them than way up towards the top.

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Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2007, 02:05:08 PM »
Trenchmud, you and nonya are ruining the conspiracy. ;D
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Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2007, 05:45:33 AM »
TM7 u wert the guy on the grassy knoll were you,or was that you that shot down that jetliner over the east coast with a missle?A group of ragheads flew 2 jetliners full of JET fuel into two buildings,they got hot enough to collapse and they did,you guys and your conspiracy crap,is that all you do is sit and think up this junk?Why dont you put as much effort into figuring out why people want to blame the us govt every time things dont go our way?
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

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Re: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2007, 05:25:47 AM »
One thing about these conspiracy theroys,none of them is EVER prooven so you can work them over for years,the fun never ends!How do you know the poll is a conspiracy to find out who doesnt belive thier govt?Hmmmmmmm?
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!