:-D Savage....I know what you mean. I was an armourer for a lot of years for my old department. If I saw one gun taken apart at a deps home,put together,and shoved inna holster..........and not work. Seems to me I saw this way to many times. I have been retired for almost a years ( year in two weeks),and I still get the guys over to the house to reasemble thier duty guns. Not to mention just about everything else they have. If they bring it to a 3 strip the 3 strip HAS to do a quick report on why the armchair gunsmith dep could not get it together...literally. At my place,no report,a good lecture,and the gun is gone over for safety sake...twice. I shot Friday and Saturday of last week. Friday was four rifles,and my carry glock. All stripped and gone through and put back together. Saturday I went through 3 differant muzzleloaders,and they got the same treatment. Kinda nice in my room with the stereo playing a little Denver or Gordon Lightfoot,putting everything back together. Nice and relaxing ya know............Stay safe....King(alias for not being able to hit a barn door lately) :oops: :oops: :roll: