Author Topic: .45 ACP while hog hunting  (Read 1069 times)

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Offline sparkyjan14

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.45 ACP while hog hunting
« on: March 02, 2007, 09:54:53 AM »
 Ok i am totally new to hog hunting. I just recently bought a new bow(first ever) and a .45 Glock. My interest in hog hunting has become greatly increased and i want to do it sooo bad.

My question is this, In your guys honest opinion would a .45 ACP kill a hog if need be, or if i just decide to hunt a hog with it.

My plans are hunting with my bow, i am disabled to neck injuries and i cant hardly stand to shoot rifles at all anymore, so i decided to hunt everything Arkansas has to offer with my bow, but when i can maybe use my pistol as well.

 Please forgive me if i am asking such dumb questions but i truly want to learn all i can.

  Thanks for letting me joind these forums


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Re: .45 ACP while hog hunting
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2007, 01:50:58 PM »
I wouldn't hesitate at 25 yards if I had a clean shot and I wasn't on the ground with it and it wasn't a huge 400lb hog

Federal 230g +p HSTs or perhaps the double tap 230g FP load

as a backup piece or dedicated hunting gun?

most here will tell you to go bigger, 41 mag and up with hardcast ammo to punch all the way through

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Re: .45 ACP while hog hunting
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2007, 11:58:14 PM »
+1 on the Federal loads even using the Hydro Shoks as well. The 45acp is a bit on the weak side power wise, but will take one with a well placed shot. Try to limit the range to 25yds or so, and place your shots in the area between the eye and ear, and you should be fine. On the bigger boars their shield will soak up that 45 like a sponge will water, been there done that. AS mentioned don't try for the biggest. ALso the elevated position is good too. It will not only keep you from getting turned on, but also give a possible exit hole a lower position to allow for a trail if needed.

Good luck with your endevers, and you might also look into a cross bow as well. They are very productive for hogs from what I gather.

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Re: .45 ACP while hog hunting
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2007, 04:53:03 AM »
I have killed 4 or 5 hogs with the Federal 230 grain Hydra Shok load, the biggest being about 175 lbs or so.  They work well but it wouldn't be my first choice for hog hunting because you are limited in your shots.  These hogs that I killed were just targets of opportunity while out and about.  The bullets all stayed in except on the least one which was about 50 lbs.  None of the hogs I shot with this load ran hardly at all but they were all close shots, less than 20 yards and the hogs didn't know I was there when I shot them, this makes a huge difference in wheather they run or not in my experience.  If I am hunting hogs with a handgun though I carry either my 41 or 44 magnum.  With the bow be sure to use heavy fixed broadheads to get the penetration you will need for a through and through shot to increase your blood trail.  Good hunting and have fun