For those who prefer not to do their own trigger work, there is a great alternative to the more well-known T/C names and you will not wait long for your equipment to be returned. This gentleman has done ALL my T/C triggers and they are inexpensive, yet his work is of the highest quality and he has YEARS of experience and he is heavily involved with IMHSA shooters (I believe he has also participated as a contestant for many years) - I typically get my Contender and Encore triggers turned around in 2-3 days. Give him a try and you won't be sorry with how he does business (try him with just one trigger job and you'll never go anywhere else!). It is very refreshing to find people like Mr. Henry in today's world and I wish we had many, many more like him. This gentleman actually refuses payment in advance from me for services rendered until I physically receive my equipment back and I'm satisfied with it (I have never been dissatisfied by the way and those who have shot my guns after being worked on by Mr. Henry are immediate converts! His work speaks for itself.) - this man is the Real Deal and deserves our support!
James D. Henry - Gunsmith
32660 Amarylis Avenue
Barstow, California 92311
Phone: 760-253-4497
Good and safe shooting to you!