I did not mean to tread roughshod all over your unCivil Rights. Not all of us are blessed enough to live in the caveman's paradise you do (and I write that with 0 sarcasm, I'd be there if I could.) For those of us forced to live side by side with people that have little or no hunting heritage, a little tact goes a long way.
Personal Example: I have a 4 year old (on March 3rd) daughter. Every time I bring game home she "helps" me clean it. Conversations usually consist of-
Daddy, is that deer dead? Yes, Baby Girl.
Why? I shot it.
Why? Because it is yummy.
I'm hungry. When can we eat it? One day she had a little friend over when I got back from a successful hunt. I began skinning the deer so I could hurry and get it on ice as it was a little warm. I heard the door open and turned to see my daughter and her little friend standing there. My daughter came over to "help" and the little friend burst into tears and we had to take him home, and later still got an angry call from his mother, who is now an Anti...
It is not the Anti's I worry about, it those that don't care one way or another until they are put face to face with something that their "heritage" has not prepared them to handle. Like a gaping deer carcass, and it turns them into an Anti. Why do you think PETA has a website devoted to the disassembly of animals? Because those that are not raised with that aspect of the process have an emotional response to seeing that and it turns them off... As much as I don't like what Zumbo did or the way he said it, in a way he is right. If I am driving down the road and see a hunter get out of hit truck and grab an AR-15, I think, "Guy must be coyote hunting, hope he knocks a few down." The average, uneducated American says "OH MY GOD HE HAS A MACHINE GUN!!! WHY DO THEY NEED MACHINE GUNS TO HUNT? Are all hunters that irresponsible?"....and the sport suffers.
Where as Zumbo saw and acknowledged this problem and said "Ban Black Rifles!!!!!" I see it and say, if you are a fan, "Educate the Populace!" Get involved. Don't be an elitist. Don't sneer at those that have never lifted a firearm, take them to the range with you. Work to counter the Black Rifle stereotype.