You do not say at what distance you are still 6" high. The excentric bushings come in 5, 10, and 20 Thou offsets. The way I would do it is to first get the x-hair in the optical center. Next I fire a shot at a long target 100yrds and see how low or how high the rifle shoots.
You say you used up all the scope adjustment. I guess that would be 1/2 of 60" or so, or 30 min or 120 1/4" clicks. plus the the 6" you are still shy for a total of 36".
OK 100 yards= 3600 inches.and say your rings are 4-1/4" from center to center.
We now divide 3600/4.25=800. Next we divide 36" by 800 = 0.045" that is the the amount of you have to raise the front ring.
So since you only have 0.020" Burris excentrics you raise the front by 20 and lower the rear by 20 and your are within 4" of center..(0.005x800=4")
This calculation can be used at any known distance say 25 yards, but your minutes have to be divided by 4. That is 4clicks at 100= 1", 4clicks at 25yard = 1/4"
Now you know what you need to do after you do your calculation. Math is a wonderful science. Any sight can be adjusted in this manner. You get the best out of your scope when your x-hair is close to the optical center.