Actually, I think most of this replies here are preacing to the choir? After four by passes and a chunk of my caroted artery rreplaced plus what is evidently sciatica nerve trouble in my back at the present, I think most of my handgun hunting is coming to a close. I didn't start out hunting big game as many here have done but, I started with a K22 for rabbits and squirrels, before it was popular to hunt with any handgun. Don't get me wrong, I own a couple of .44s and a couple of .41 mags. and like to hunt deer with them but, I know my limitations, beleive me.
I remember my first encounter with handgun hunting while walking out of the woods with my single shot Noble .22 rifle, North of Streator IL., an older farmer in bib overalls ( I think this was one of the many Caulkins' men who farmed the ground) was coming into the woods I was leaving, and stopped to talk. He asked me if I'd seen any squirrels and where, in these woods and what they were cutting? I saw no evidence of a gun on this man, and asked if he planned on hunting? He withdrew a Ruger Bearcat from the back pocket of his bibs (he was a huge guy and the Ruger was so small) and said yes, I was star struck and asked him if he ever killed game with this? His answer was "occasionally if the right shot presents itself". And my handgun hunting adventures began! I just had to try this. That desire has been the strongest moving force in my life, ever since. I was about 12 or 13 at this time in life and 59 now so, I've payed my dues and done my deeds, and I can't sing either. Have a nice day.