I think I read somewhere that the rate of twist is the same whether USH or Tracker. The accuracy should be very close to the same, provided the shooter does his/her part. The BIG question to ask "How are you going to hunt with it?" If you will be doing mostly stand hunting with little or no walkin' around or driving, then the USH is a very good choice. However, if you are gonna be driving and doing a lot of walking, the Tracker is a good choice as it is not as heavy. Also, you should consider that the Tracker has open sights and in order to put a scope on one, you must have it D & T'd or have a scope base soldered on. Only a few folks have found gunsmiths willing to D & T the 12ga Tracker. A good compromise might be considering the Youth 20ga USH. It has a 22" barrel, rather than a 24" barrel, so it is a little lighter for carrying. Also, be advised, if you are considering having barrels added, the 12ga USH can only have 10ga barrel added as it is a larger frame the 10ga and USH 12ga are the only 2 sizes of barrels it is used for.
It just depends on what ya want and what type of hunting you do. Either choice, Tracker or USH, they are both accurate, as long as the shooter does his/her part. Good Luck trying to decide. Hey, you could always buy one of each. That's the nice thing about these H&R's they are EASY on the wallet.