gotthe 16in 45/70 out yesterday, finallya decent day, had to work in the area of a local range so i took it with me, stopped off for a few rounds in it took a hand full of 300 gr 350 gr and 405 gr lead all loaded with red dot, not bad at all they all shot well out of it i didnt use a target i just used an old fire extingusher cylinder out 50 yds,didnt have the time plus those winds we had friday were 20 -30 MPH and then gusting ahhaha so not the most perfect conditions to shoot but i was ringin it every shot, has the recoil of a hopped up 3030 id say with the light target loads, then i pulled out a deer killer full house 300 gr JHP figured id need a couple to clean out the lead hahaha whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa baby now thats a kaboom, id put it in the 12ga slug classification they let yu know they went off but still hit the steel both times so i think its a keeper , aint no bench rest gun but hey bench rest shooting can be boring,
makes a heck of a squirrel rifle though ahahah