i have three whisperlites,just sold two mt. stoves, and like my post below,. i'm making soda can stoves and "cat fod can " stoves.the msr's are nice,but the soda can stove is free and will do 99 % of your cooking, aka boiling water, with no parts to break at all, and you can carry the stove, pot support, windscreen, and fuel all inside a very small pot.in fact, the actual stove part is so small and light, you could actually carry it under your hat! just expierimenting, i've made rice, oatmeal, tea, coffee, and fried an egg on them...in fact, even if you carry a whisperlite, the soda can stove makes a real good backup,cause it weighs near nothing. try one, it's free, if you don't like it, toss it in the trash!