Author Topic: Got my Burris scope back.....  (Read 1011 times)

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Got my Burris scope back.....
« on: May 18, 2003, 07:56:17 AM »
WOW.......that was fast service :eek: I opened up the package and the sheet of paper said "checked and cleaned".So I looked throught the scope and guess what.............. :twisted: THERE STILL IS crap IN THE SCOPE. :twisted: Burris is going to get one hell of a phone call come Monday. :evil:I am so spitting mad my back woods red neck temper is at a boil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline SD Handgunner

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Got my Burris scope back.....
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2003, 09:36:50 AM »

I can relate to your feelings. I just sent a 3x12x32mm Burris LER Handgun Scope in for a REPAIR and a Modification this past winter. My Scope is used on a Super 14 Match Grade .22 LR Contender that I use in informal Bench Rest Competition at a local club. The modification I wanted was to the Parallax Free Settings on th e AO. At our indoor shooting range we shoot at 50 feet, and the AO on this scope would only go down to 25 yards. While it was useable as it was, I wanted it better.

Long story short, on the 3rd trip back to Burris my scope was finally fixed like I wanted it to be. However it took the President of the Company to walk it through the repair department to get it right.

For all of my troubles Burris did not charge me the fee for the modification and in addition refunded me the cost of me shipping it to Burris twice.

I have been using Burris LER Handgun Scopes since 1982, and this is the first problem I have ever encountered. Granted most of the problem was that I was requesting a modification that was non standard, but was told that they could do it without any problems.

Hope you get your problems resolved in a more timely fashion than I did.


PS, If you call Burris ask for Larry in Customer Service. He sure helped me out a lot.
T/C Handguns, one good shot for your moment of truth !

Offline Longhntr

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Got my Burris scope back.....
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2003, 11:17:45 AM »
I sent my 2X7 back two weeks ago and have not heard a thing. How long of a turn around was it?

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Got my Burris scope back.....
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2003, 11:53:41 AM »
Let me start by saying I like Burris handgun scopes. Especially the 2-7 for the wide FOV it has.

BUT!!! The two most common threads that seem to pop up on the forums or when you discuss these scopes around a campfire is the trash found so often in them and the problems with Burris Customer Service.

Dunno why it is but Burris and only Burris seems to have a really serious problem getting trash in their scopes. Yeah I've had it in mine and just lived with it because of the horror stories I've heard from others who tried to do something about getting it out. I sold an otherwise as NIB Signature 2-8 rifle scope for about half price because it came to me new with such a piece in it. I didn't want the customer service hassle so lived with it until I sold it and took the huge reduction in price on it rather than send it back before selling.

Back when I got my Remington M700 LSS Mtn. Rifle in .30-06 I was gonna put the Burris Signature 2-8 on it. BUT the wholesale outfit I called who had offered to sell to me at wholesale prices because of my web site talked me out of it. Said they were the biggest Burris Wholesaler in the nation and the guy told me he got a rebate on every one he sold and still he talked me out of it. Talked me into the Leupold 2.5-8 which was what I really wanted but hated to pay the going rate on. He told me all kinds of horror stories about the % of scopes from Burris they have to return and the horror stories about Burris losing so many of them and never finding them and of the scopes coming back no better than they left. I paid the extra and got the Leupold. Now after owning both I sure am glad.

So are all the horror stories true? I dunno honestly. I've never sent anything back to Burris of all those I've owned. Most because they didn't need to be but on those that did because of the stories I've heard. Regardless Burris really needs to make a concerted effort to get the trash out to start with and to improve their customer service image whether justified or not.


Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Offline Zachary

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Got my Burris scope back.....
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2003, 03:05:39 PM »
I have 3 Burris scopes - 2 Black Diamonds and 1 pistol scope (the 2x-7x GB is talking about).

I can't say that I have found any "junk" in my Burris scopes yet, but I must admit that I am concerned.  Burris' customer service is also a concern for me after hearing all of these stories - and this is not the first thread either - I have been hearing this for well over a year now.  As such, I haven't bought a Burris since.

Everyone says that Leupold's customer service is the best bar none.  Granted, Bushnell has the same warranty as Leupold, but I don't know if their service is as good as their warranty.

I was thinking about getting a Burris 1.75x-5x-32mm Signature Safari LRS for my .375 H&H.  I think that I'll pass and get a Leupold.  Plus, the Leupold has very long eye relief.


Offline denvas

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Got my Burris scope back.....
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2003, 07:22:00 AM »
I have used and liked Burris scopes and binoculars for about 10 years, that is until the last 8 months. First I had a set of Burris 10X50 Signature series binoculars that suddenly lost their ability to focus both tubes together. Sent them back for warranty repair and the results were as follows:

1st trip - they came back "checked and cleaned" but otherwise not repaired. Called customer service and they apologized and asked me to return them.

2nd trip - the set of binoculars I got back were a set of 10X32 Signature series glasses. When I called Burris to inquire how they could have shrunken I was told that I must have been mistaken because my paperwork clearly stated that I had sent in 10X32 binoculars. I returned the 10X32 glasses with a copy of my original paperwork and received a pair of 10X50's back. They appeared to work but it only lasted about 2 months. First trip to the deer woods I was back to where I had begun the process with broken binos.

3rd trip - called John McCarty, the president of Burris, who had to walk them through to get them repaired properly. The fix lasted about 6 months and the same problem reoccurred.

Second I had a Burris 2X-10X Posi-lock Signature series scope go bad about a year ago. The posi-lock devise fell out of the pocket on the scope body where it had been installed. The results of this adventure went like this.

1st trip – sent the scope in and was assured that it would be fixed and returned promptly. Got it back 2 weeks later but the first time I installed it back on my rifle and took it to the range to sight it in it fogged up on me.

2nd trip – Sent the scope back to Burris whose customer service tech told me it must have not been sealed properly. Received a used scope back in exchange, it had scratches and wear marks where mine had not. Called and complained, asked to return this scope.

3rd trip – Sent this mystery scope back to Burris and received a NIB scope back. Installed it on my .338 mag. Only problem with this “NIB” scope is the reticle broke after about 50 shots. Is just sorta hangs there at a 45 degree tilt to the original alignment. And oh yeah the posi-lock popped out of this one too.

Would I buy another Burris product, not hardly!
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Offline Zachary

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Got my Burris scope back.....
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2003, 11:59:05 AM »
I would never get a Burris scope with Posi-lock. :evil:   I think it's more of a gimmick than anything else.  Leupold Vari-X III scopes, for example, don't have this feature, and they are rock solid when it comes to holding their recoil, even from big magnum guns. :biggun:


Offline chk

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Got my Burris scope back.....
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2003, 03:22:51 PM »
Could it be the Posilock is for clumsy people like me? I never took it that the feature was for recoil. Dave

Offline denvas

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Got my Burris scope back.....
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2003, 03:54:31 PM »
Dennis Bell, who was the Bell in Bell & Carlson stocks before they sold out, was the engineer at Burris who developed the posi-lock feature. In theory it is a sound principle designed to allow for the best possible sight adjustment while using 3 contact points to lock the setting in place instead of the typical 2 contact points and a moveable spring used by all other scope manufacturers. It is the movement of the spring that causes most aiming point retention problems in heavy recoiling firearms. The posi-lock was Dennis' answer to eliminate all of this movement that not only added wear and tear to the internal components of a scope but allowed the aiming point to denigrate over time. When this feature was first introduced it worked well in the scopes I evaluated for several articles, however, as we have all noticed the quality control at Burris appears to have loosened up a bit in recent years. I think it is this poorer quality control issue that allowed a sub-standard scope to be shipped to me. The rest as we say is history.
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