Author Topic: All these Gun Ban Bills they are trying to pass??  (Read 784 times)

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Offline 1911crazy

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All these Gun Ban Bills they are trying to pass??
« on: May 12, 2003, 04:00:16 AM »
What do you think of all these gun bills?? Banning alot more guns?? What happens if it passes do we have to give our stuff up?? Or are we grandfathered in??  Do you think we should run out and buy more now incase this bill passes??  This sucks the honest good gun guys always get hurt.  What are your thoughts/opinions?????                                                         BigBill

Offline S.S.

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All these Gun Ban Bills they are trying to
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2003, 05:29:47 AM »
  I know people who have "Hiding" Weapons since
1968!  Don't Know Where, Don't know How many,
Don't Want to either.  That is their business.
I have one word for you though,
This is for many reasons. From as simple a reason as
you never know when surplus supplies will dry up,
To as complicated a reason as a total breakdown of social
order. History has shown that this can happen over night,
look what happened after the Rodney King trial.
I am sure that the folks in California didn't think it could
happen to them either! I have read numerous accounts
of people using their weapons to defend themselves and their
property that week from roving bands of thugs when there
were no police to be found!!!  And I must also say that anyone
in a rural environment who relies on the Police/Deputies for
protection is a fool!  I worked in law enforcement for eight
years in on of the biggest counties in Georgia, an I remember
many nights when there were only four of us on night shift for
the entire county! Good Guys, just not enough of them!
A word of advice though,
Whatever plans you make for your future security,
"Keep them to Yourself"
I'm sure you are old enough to remember
the old saying "Loose lips sink ships" .
Well that especially applies to firearms.
Vir prudens non contra ventum mingit
"A wise man does not pee against the wind".

Offline 1911crazy

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All these Gun Ban Bills they are trying to
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2003, 01:13:05 PM »
I read that the russians think they are missing 30 suitcase nukes their not sure and now we are practicing dirty bomb blasts today??   Great???        BigBill

Another part of the gun ban is high capacity mags so if ya want them better buy now.

Offline Jack Crevalle

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All these Gun Ban Bills they are trying to
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2003, 01:29:10 PM »
People need to NOT be passive about this!

Gungrabbers, having learned that their frontal assaults were initally blunted, have learned to nip at the heels of their adversaries. Instead of total disarmament, they have decided to go about it piecemeal.

Remember when it was the evil "Saturday Night Special", "cheap and easily attainable"? Okay, they got their wish, now criminals use reliable, expensive, high-capacity autoloaders. Some surprise. So now they whine about high-cap magazines and "assault weapons".

What's the lesson to be learned here? Don't take comfort in being grandfathered. I remember almost 30 years ago Ted ( 'let's take the bridge' ) Kennedy's state wanted to license gun owners. The people kicked up a big ruckus. 'That's okay', they said, 'we cross our hearts and hope to die that this list will never be used for gun confiscation'. Gungrabbers got their law. The next year, 'hey let's take away everybody's guns!'. Well the question got asked, 'how will you know who has guns?'. 'Why, we've gots these nice lists'.

When you are grandfathered you'll be part of an even smaller minority and have less say about your destiny.

The best thing everyone can do is stop thinking and acting like they're second class citizens. Call people on it when they make their stupid "guns are evil" diatribes.  JOIN THE NRA. SIGN UP OTHERS. Make other gun owners understand what's going on. Enlighten the un-elightened. Dare that person who's afraid of inanimate objects to go shooting. They may stop on the way home from the range at the gun store. Be inclusive, recruit people to join your gun club, encourage the club to sign up the maximum number of members instead of acting like snobs. Be safe and promote safety.

But more than anything else: don't have the bunker attitude. It's your right. You are right, not them.

Offline 1911crazy

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All these Gun Ban Bills they are trying to
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2003, 03:36:18 AM »
I just rejoined the NRA after they pissed me off 20+ years ago about getting new members I was working about 60 hours a week plus having a new family(3 small kids)and had no time for anything. So I realized we need them now for sure but I wish they would sent so much "BS" mail?? I 'm going to talk to my kids about joining maybe my wife too.

Offline S.S.

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All these Gun Ban Bills they are trying to
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2003, 03:58:41 AM »
I whole heartedly support the NRA -
On the other hand, I do not want my name on
a possible "CONFISCATION LIST" Either!
(A judge can easily subpeona the N.R.A. membership list)
Therefore I support them "Discreetly".
A money order sent to them now & then, Getting others to
support them, that kind of thing!  Our main concern should
be getting kids involved in the safe and responsible use of
firearms! If not, we may very well be the last generation of "FREE" Americans!!! We must prepare them to be our successors
to step into the breech and fight for their rights.
I have heard (With my own ears, not heresay)
Democrat teachers in the schools spread their
"Ideological Poison" to the kids! This needs to stop!
Find out what kind of CRAP teachers are telling your
kids and confront them about it !!!!
I know how the Government works, and I must say that
I have even had reservations about making some of the
comments I have made about firearms on these forums!!
"Big Brother is always watching, especially on the net"
Always remember "Never Give your real Identity"
And get a program to alter your computers IP address!
Keep your privacy PRIVATE
Vir prudens non contra ventum mingit
"A wise man does not pee against the wind".

Offline Jack Crevalle

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All these Gun Ban Bills they are trying to
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2003, 08:51:16 AM »
If it were only that easy.

Ever buy a firearm through the Internet? Ammo? A gun part? A gun magazine?

Ever pay for any of those with a credit card?

The said truth is that it's awfully easy to determine who has firearms and awfully hard to hide it any more. Or, for that matter, it hasn't been easy to hide what you've got for a long time.

I remember an article I read over twenty years ago in a local magazine about the abuses of the BATF. In one story the article told of a guy that they were trying to recruit as an informant. They showed him tapes of their "target" at a gun show.

Offline 1911crazy

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All these Gun Ban Bills they are trying to
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2003, 03:06:44 PM »
I have my c&r ffl so i buy I'm a good gun guy and my days are numbered health wise anyway I just want to enjoy what I have left when its over there is no going back and doing it again I will leave this earth the same way I came into it naked. God i wish I could take one mauser with me?

I could die tomorrow or live a few more years I don't know its party time for sure now!! life is shorter than we think i went down hill in two years and hope i leveled off for a while but who knows I'm sure its very warm where I'm going though.

I only post to motivate some of our younger readers so they could enjoy life and our freedoms now while their young and not wait till their old like me short timing. I'm 52 and got a 90 year old body for sure.

Offline .45 COLT

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All these Gun Ban Bills they are trying to
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2003, 02:43:19 AM »
Democrat teachers in the schools spread their "Ideological Poison" to the kids! This needs to stop! Find out what kind of CRAP teachers are telling your kids and confront them about it !!!!

A number of years ago, I ran into this with my kids, decided to do something about it. I got myself elected to the School Board. Made sure that a couple of teachers' contracts weren't renewed, a couple of others who had tenure have so much negative in their files that they'll have a lot of trouble ever getting a job anyplace else. I found out that most of the rest of the board (but not all of them) sort of agreed with my thoughts, they just needed some pushing to do something about it.

I think what kids today need is a strong sense of history, not the laundered garbage or outright lies being taught in the schools today.
On the 19th of April, 1775, a tyrannical government sent an army to disarm its citizens. They ran into a touch of trouble.

Offline Jack Crevalle

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All these Gun Ban Bills they are trying to
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2003, 07:39:05 AM »
Quote from: BigBill
I could die tomorrow or live a few more years I don't know its party time for sure now!! life is shorter than we think i went down hill in two years and hope i leveled off for a while but who knows I'm sure its very warm where I'm going though.

God is all forgiving.

Offline S.S.

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All these Gun Ban Bills they are trying to
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2003, 12:35:47 PM »
Hey Bill,
  As I am sure that you don't mean a warm place
like Maui or the Bahamas that you are going to,
Look Up Man, the solution to that problem will come to ya'
Although I don't think the problems of those rusty
and pitted C & R 's will be solved that way!
Vir prudens non contra ventum mingit
"A wise man does not pee against the wind".

Offline 1911crazy

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All these Gun Ban Bills they are trying to
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2003, 01:27:55 AM »
Our lives can change so fast I wake up everyday and its groundhog day all over again ever see the movie groundhog?? Funny but its true everyday is the same thing all over again and not much changes. Gosh I crack myself up!!!!!                                BigBill

Sometimes your the windshield and sometimes your the bug I know what it feels like to be in both positions for sure!!!!