Author Topic: Fred Thompson on 300  (Read 502 times)

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Offline jh45gun

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Fred Thompson on 300
« on: March 19, 2007, 06:33:38 PM »

by Fred Thompson
The comic book movie “300” about the Spartans and the Persians in 480 BC is still breaking box-office records. Now it seems the rulers of modern-day Persia, Iran, are not amused.

“300,” shows a small band of Spartans saving the lives of their countrymen AND the seeds of modern Democracy by kicking the much larger Persians forces effectively in the backside at Thermopylae until the sheer numbers overwhelmed them. If I remember my history, that’s exactly what happened.
But the Iranians have filed a flurry of complaints with the United Nations, claiming “300” is “cultural and psychological warfare.”
Who are these guys who are getting all flushed over our cultural insensitivity?
People who want to blow Jews off the face of the earth. The regime that stormed our embassy in 1979 and kept Americans captive for 444 days. Iran’s Hezbollah puppets have killed more Americans, than any other terrorist group except Al Qaeda. Explosive devices from Iran are being used right now against our soldiers in Iraq. They’re clearly more skittish about cultural warfare than the sort that actually kills people – like the one against Israel that Iran financed just a few months ago.
I must say that I’m impressed that Hollywood took on a politically incorrect villain. Must have run out of neo-Nazis. So now these sensitive souls in Iran think that Hollywood is part of a U.S. government conspiracy to humiliate them into submission. I can only wish we were that effective.
Fred Thompson is a former US Senator from Tennessee, an actor, and — many say — a potential candidate for President of the United States.
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Offline muskeg13

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Re: Fred Thompson on 300
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2007, 10:19:21 PM »
Fred Thompson on Gandhi

Posted on 03/19/2007 10:12:28 AM PDT by perfect_rovian_storm at

The former senator and "Law and Order" actor Fred Thompson is being mentioned as a possible presidential candidate. Mr. Thompson has said he will keep an open mind about a 2008 campaign.

In a recent interview, he blasted the reputation of Mahatma Gandhi, the most overrated man in the 20th century and one whose name now graces a building at James Madison University.

Sen. Thompson noted that the anti-war group Code Pink had unveiled a giant paper mache model of Gandhi at one of their peace rallies, so gave this bit of history.

"During World War II, Gandhi penned an open letter to the British people, urging them to surrender to the Nazis. Later, when the extent of the holocaust was known, he criticized Jews who had tried to escape or fight for their lives as they did in Warsaw and Treblinka. "The Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher’s knife," he said. "They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs.

"The so-called peace movement certainly has the right to make Gandhi’s way their way, but their efforts to make collective suicide American foreign policy just won’t cut it in this country. When American’s think of heroism, we think of the young American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, risking their lives to prevent another Adolph Hitler or Saddam Hussein.

"Gandhi probably wouldn’t approve, but I can live with that," Thompson said.

Sen. Thompson is an actor who doesn’t need a script to be coherent. He’s intelligent without one. You can’t say that about a lot of people in Hollywood.

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Re: Fred Thompson on 300
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2007, 09:30:03 AM »
I hope he runs for President in 2008.  We can use someone that tells it like it is and is just a stand-up kind of guy.

Offline jh45gun

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Re: Fred Thompson on 300
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2007, 08:14:53 PM »
If he does run I just hope he can raise the money to do so. From what I am hearing it is who ever raises the biggest pot is going to win the ball game which is a piss poor way to elect a President but that is the way the situation seems to be going!  >:( It used to be the best man won who ever the public wanted now it seems it is who ever can raise the most money. Pretty disgusting if you ask me. Now I am not saying that Thompson cannot win he is down earth enough to do so but it depends on if the public buys into this who has the mostest will win BS. I for one hope that does not happen.
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Online magooch

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Re: Fred Thompson on 300
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2007, 05:13:29 AM »
I'd vote for Fred if he isn't able to raise a penny, but he's got to get in the race if he is to have any chance.

45, I can't agree with you that the best man usually won.  I remember Johnson, Kennedy, Truman, Carter and Clinton; in my book, none of them were the "best man".

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Re: Fred Thompson on 300
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2007, 06:20:24 AM »
I think the modern "Persian's" main complaint is how they were actually portrayed in the movie,
Not the fact that they got masacred for several days before they were able to get behind the Greeks. There were about 1000 other soldiers there with the Spartans too, They do not get mentioned much for some reason. But still, 1300 to about 200,000 is not very good odds of success.
That 1300 must have been some mean fella's !
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