JUNK! Last year, the Talons were one of THE most talked about b-heads on dozens of bowhunting forums. However, all this talk was NOT a good thing. They have been proven to be cheap junk. From ferrules that were easily breaking to blades that were breaking on nearly any sized animal. Now in response to all the negative publicity last year, Talon has released a statement that they have improved their design for '07. I ask, who in the heck would want to take another chance on a borderline design that not many seemed to like anyway. In fact, heads like the Slick Trick, Wac 'Em, G5 Striker, Muzzy MX-3 and MX-4, NAP Nitron and Hell Razor, etc, there are just to many impressive and proven b-heads on the mraket to take a chance at such an important piece of hunting equipment ?!?