Author Topic: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?  (Read 3154 times)

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Offline teddy12b

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Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« on: October 26, 2006, 07:45:04 AM »
      Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?  Last year my father in law and I drove to Maine to go bear hunting.  Between the two of us we did not see anything.  It was our first time hunting bears and did like we were told to by our guide and we didn't see anything! 
       I'm going to be looking for a place for us to go bear hunting next year but I would rather somebody tell me from experience where a great place to go is.  Every guide says they're the best, and I'm sure most of them are great, but I'll take a fellow hunters word first. 
       We do want to hunt in the U.S.  Ideally, we would find a place that also had some good fishing nearby so we could do that once the hunt was over.  Our trip last year was to Maine and we could go back there, but I'd also consider other places as well.  We live in Indiana so we'll be driving no matter where we go.

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2006, 11:38:46 AM »
Try SE Alaska.  Put the money you would normally spend on a guide toward airfair and a bush pilot who can supply you with camp equipment and a zodiac boat.  Five of us went up in Sept. and tagged out in 4 days.  I saw 25-30 bears and the streams were so thick with salmon that we were constantly stepping on them while sneaking up on bears.  Not a hunt for the faint of heart though we had several bears within 10 yards of us, me and another guy got within 12 feet of a sow.

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2006, 01:01:42 PM »
How about Maine. I have never hunted there I've always gone to Canada but there is this  guy
I know that has killed a bear up there in Maine.

Offline flintlock

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2006, 01:31:05 PM »
teddy..I'll do some checking around...One of the best places anywhere is eastern NC...We own 3 farms there and after you tag out you can go to the Outer Banks and fish, the blues and trout should be running about that time of year, or take a charter boat out of Oregon Inlet...I can't recommend a guide down there because I'm too cheap to pay for a guided hunt and we actually have enough for me to hunt locally...

Offline alaskacajun

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2006, 05:35:53 AM »
Alaska.... Pretty much anywhere in Alaska!

- Clint

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2006, 01:37:56 AM »
Calif reprtedly has 25,000 to 30,000 bears. Now I live in bear country just outside of Yosemite National Park and.....well I never see bears either. Find you a guide with dogs if you are traveling out of state and want a bear in a limited time hunt.

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2006, 01:20:37 PM »
I posted this a couple weeks ago ("Hunting in Minnesota") for a guy wanting to go hunting bear in MN.

My favorite location is the Grand Portage Indian Reservation in northern Minnnesota for a couple of reasons.

1) Few whites hunt the res and non of the locals that I dealt with the 5 or 6 times I was up there hunt them.
So lots of bear with no pressure.

2) You can stay at the casino in relative comfort or camp out in the sticks.

3) The area is simply breathless and shows what real Northern MN has to offer.

4) You can bring womenfolk along and they will find tons of activity on the Res such as tour the old French Fort, take the ferry out to Isle Royale (20 miles out in Lake Superior) play the slots at the Casino, hook up with the guided tours that leave from the Main Lodge, shop in the gift shop for Native American stuff, walk the beach, hike the trails, take a run up the shoreline to a State Park about 5 miles away and see the waterfalls, stop at the Canadian border and buy more trinkets there, see the spectacular view of the Susie Islands just up the road as you head to the Canadian border just minutes away.

5) There are two fair to good shape roads that circle inland from the main indian village (casino). One is approx 16 miles long and the other is approx 12 miles. Many logging road go off from these two main roads. Few locals live out there. It is wild rugged land. A small aircraft crashed up there one time and was not found for 10 years. If you really want to get lost you could take one of the logging roads in a mile or so. We never bothered putting a bait station more than 200 yard in off the main paved roads. There was no need. It is one of the few places in MN I have regularly had bear dart out in front of my vehicle like rabbits.

6) The locals like to have hunters shoot bear because of the problems they cause in the village.

7) The hunt always opens September 1st regardless what day it falls on. 2007 bear hunting will open on Saturday. The Grand Portage Res will be having their Annual Lousiania Bayou days or something they call it with real Bayou musicians (They actually drive up in a bus) and Kajun cooking in a giant circus tent they put up that weekend. They've been having this event for about 20 years now so if you do want a room at the Casino Lodge you must make reservation soon or you won't get a room.

             Walked up on this one in the bait station one year at Grand Portage.
                    Actually a nice size bear now that I look at it again.

The front desk at the Main Lodge has radio contact with the Res Game Warden and it is where we have purchased our bear hunting permits in the past, although that has proven a couple of times to be a headache because the tribal counsel waits until the last minute to decide what they are going to charge non-residents. Usually around 20 dollars to hunt bear. So we got up there the night before the opener and they couldn't sell us our Res permit because they didn't know what to charge us. We ended up calling the tribal chief at home to get squared away.

Anyway best to deal with someone at the actual tribal counsel Monday through Friday regarding the permits. Talk with the game warden beforehand too regarding where your putting your bait. I have gone up there literally 3 days before the season opened, dropped my bait, fooled around at the casino, snooped around inland for other potential bait sites, and went home with 2 bear in the cooler. They have fantastic fishing inland too but I'm not into it, or you could charter a boat for Lake Superior and get some big lake trout.

If you look to the left under my bear picture avatar is a little world icon. It goes to my web site and you'll see plenty of bear hunting and information about baiting. Obviously this site (Graybeard Outdoors) has tons of info too and that's why I'm here looking and learning.

You pretty much must go past the midline part of the state to get a bear. Hinckley MN is as far south as I would go. Yes I hunt them at my cabin but the success rate is not as good as Grand Portage for reasons stated above. You could stay at many State Parks in Northern MN  with a camper, tent. etcetera...(they have hot showers!) and drive not even a mile away to most State Forest or County land and hunt bear.

      Big butt donut blob taken 9/1/06 100 miles south of Grand Portage at my cabin
bearfats cabin:

Offline teddy12b

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2006, 04:57:19 PM »
    That's a lot of great information!  We are planning on staying in the lower 48 states and Minnesota would be just fine with us.  The only problem for us would be that we would really need a "guide".  We're in the North Eastern part of Indiana so the opportunity for us do our own baiting just isn't there for our 5 day time frame.  Not to mention we aren't exactly very experienced at it either.  Do you know of any guide services up there?  We're not the kind of guys looking for guides that have a hot bubble bath waiting for us back at the lodge.  We're just looking for a roof over our heads and a couple meals.  I'd love to hunt in Minnesota.  It's been many years since I've been through there and it's a beutiful state.  The fishing there would be great for us too.  If you have any recommendations on guides or services I'd be willing to listen.

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2006, 12:43:14 AM »
I work with a guy who is even more into bear hunting than me I guess. He gets some 500 pound bears with a guide.

I'll try to talk to him but he is hard to find sometimes. The next 7 days pretty hectic for me trying to do some unexpected paperwork for boss, get a run into my cabin with supplies for deer hunting, put a new bow stand up, blah, blah, blah.

I'll post back this weekend or next week lastest.
bearfats cabin:

Offline teddy12b

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2006, 02:53:08 AM »
Sounds great!  Thanks a lot!

Offline oldrookie

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2007, 03:57:09 PM »
I posted this a couple weeks ago ("Hunting in Minnesota") for a guy wanting to go hunting bear in MN.

My favorite location is the Grand Portage Indian Reservation in northern Minnnesota for a couple of reasons.

1) Few whites hunt the res and non of the locals that I dealt with the 5 or 6 times I was up there hunt them.
So lots of bear with no pressure.

2) You can stay at the casino in relative comfort or camp out in the sticks.

3) The area is simply breathless and shows what real Northern MN has to offer.

4) You can bring womenfolk along and they will find tons of activity on the Res such as tour the old French Fort, take the ferry out to Isle Royale (20 miles out in Lake Superior) play the slots at the Casino, hook up with the guided tours that leave from the Main Lodge, shop in the gift shop for Native American stuff, walk the beach, hike the trails, take a run up the shoreline to a State Park about 5 miles away and see the waterfalls, stop at the Canadian border and buy more trinkets there, see the spectacular view of the Susie Islands just up the road as you head to the Canadian border just minutes away.

5) There are two fair to good shape roads that circle inland from the main indian village (casino). One is approx 16 miles long and the other is approx 12 miles. Many logging road go off from these two main roads. Few locals live out there. It is wild rugged land. A small aircraft crashed up there one time and was not found for 10 years. If you really want to get lost you could take one of the logging roads in a mile or so. We never bothered putting a bait station more than 200 yard in off the main paved roads. There was no need. It is one of the few places in MN I have regularly had bear dart out in front of my vehicle like rabbits.

6) The locals like to have hunters shoot bear because of the problems they cause in the village.

7) The hunt always opens September 1st regardless what day it falls on. 2007 bear hunting will open on Saturday. The Grand Portage Res will be having their Annual Lousiania Bayou days or something they call it with real Bayou musicians (They actually drive up in a bus) and Kajun cooking in a giant circus tent they put up that weekend. They've been having this event for about 20 years now so if you do want a room at the Casino Lodge you must make reservation soon or you won't get a room.

             Walked up on this one in the bait station one year at Grand Portage.
                    Actually a nice size bear now that I look at it again.

The front desk at the Main Lodge has radio contact with the Res Game Warden and it is where we have purchased our bear hunting permits in the past, although that has proven a couple of times to be a headache because the tribal counsel waits until the last minute to decide what they are going to charge non-residents. Usually around 20 dollars to hunt bear. So we got up there the night before the opener and they couldn't sell us our Res permit because they didn't know what to charge us. We ended up calling the tribal chief at home to get squared away.

Anyway best to deal with someone at the actual tribal counsel Monday through Friday regarding the permits. Talk with the game warden beforehand too regarding where your putting your bait. I have gone up there literally 3 days before the season opened, dropped my bait, fooled around at the casino, snooped around inland for other potential bait sites, and went home with 2 bear in the cooler. They have fantastic fishing inland too but I'm not into it, or you could charter a boat for Lake Superior and get some big lake trout.

If you look to the left under my bear picture avatar is a little world icon. It goes to my web site and you'll see plenty of bear hunting and information about baiting. Obviously this site (Graybeard Outdoors) has tons of info too and that's why I'm here looking and learning.

You pretty much must go past the midline part of the state to get a bear. Hinckley MN is as far south as I would go. Yes I hunt them at my cabin but the success rate is not as good as Grand Portage for reasons stated above. You could stay at many State Parks in Northern MN  with a camper, tent. etcetera...(they have hot showers!) and drive not even a mile away to most State Forest or County land and hunt bear.

      Big butt donut blob taken 9/1/06 100 miles south of Grand Portage at my cabin

bearfat, I am very interested in getting up to casino area and hunt bear. Can you pm me to get more details?

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2007, 05:06:48 PM »
I have hunted in zone 25 in northern MN with Steve Battalion of International Falls. I have not shot any big bears but I am 3 for 3 on eaters. And my kids both shot bears that were both about 200 lbs dressed. His number is 218 244 0259.
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Offline jk3006

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2007, 06:08:55 PM »
Bearfat, you have a PM.


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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2007, 11:11:13 AM »
oldrookie and jk3006 I'll PM you guys both some info in a few days. I have topograpgical maps of the reservation I'm looking for that will show exact locations I have used on and off for 20 years.

You'll want to work with the reservation game warden so you don't overlap with another bear hunter (what few there are).

One year the game warden asked us to take out a nuisance big boy in their dump bending the dumpster lids. We got him 1 hour after we set up. Not sure what he weighed...maybe 400. I'll post pic soon as I can get it in

Reservation is very open to whites taking bear. Bear cause probs for them in the village and the res license is generally only half what State charges.

I'll get into more with the PM. Perhaps the biggest hurdle to get over is the Res is very laid back with stuff and in the early years it was frustrating trying to get the permits the day before the season started but I'll get you through the hoops.

Just ordered the XS sight system (peep sights) for the Browning BLR shown above today.


bearfats cabin:

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2007, 05:36:25 PM »

Thanks.  My friend and I are already licking our chops thinking about the possibilities!  I'll be looking forward to that pm.  Yes, yogi must die!

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2007, 05:40:23 PM »
bearfat.....I owe you one. Looking forward to the information.

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2007, 05:28:45 AM »
oldrookie and jk3006 I ain't forgot about you.

I work 24/7 on call, had hail damage and other stuff going on here.

I got the Grand Portage Indian Res folder out and am going over it. I will PM in a few days I hope.

In the mean time the xs sight arrived for the BLR 30-06. I took it out of package for a quick pic. Hope to get that thing on soon too.

bearfats cabin:

Offline jk3006

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2007, 04:47:50 AM »
oldrookie and jk3006 I ain't forgot about you.

I work 24/7 on call, had hail damage and other stuff going on here.

I got the Grand Portage Indian Res folder out and am going over it. I will PM in a few days I hope.

In the mean time the xs sight arrived for the BLR 30-06. I took it out of package for a quick pic. Hope to get that thing on soon too.


Sweet sights!  I've been trying to get ahold of Bob Vogel up there, but he's never in his office.

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2007, 07:33:11 AM »

oldrookie and jk3006...yes if I remember the best time was in the morning since he is out in the field most of the day. I did call the Grand Portage Lodge and she said they indeed still use radio contact with the game warden(s) but have nothing to do anymore with the permits. "We can call the warden for you and tell them you want to meet them here."

I'm trying some digital enhancement of the topo maps trying to highlight the entrance/exits for some of the locations and key roads. Hope to PM them soon. Here's an overview of area. The stuff I PM you will be better. Lot's of ATV trails if you want to go really deep.

The last couple of times we hunted up there I only baited two area's which over a 25 year time span I've found consistently had bear hit the stations. Apparently generations of bear use the same old haunts and travel ways.

Things can change though esp if they logged the area since I've been there.

One thing you should know about the bear season 2007 as I stated about the opener being on a weekend this is right on the weekend of the biggest celebration of the year at Grand Portage called, "Cajun Days."

Lot of Canadians come down (maybe you'll get lucky aye) and outsiders from all over for the Cajun food and music. It's the real deal, the food and music is all the way from the bayou. It's weird...your in the middle of nowhere next to Lake Superior on an indian res and this big freakin party is going on for 3 days. And I mean par'tay hardy.

You will not get a room at the lodge. They have been booked solid for a long time. You won't get any sleep anyway in the village so plan on camping out.
bearfats cabin:

Offline jk3006

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2007, 01:02:20 PM »

oldrookie and jk3006...yes if I remember the best time was in the morning since he is out in the field most of the day. I did call the Grand Portage Lodge and she said they indeed still use radio contact with the game warden(s) but have nothing to do anymore with the permits. "We can call the warden for you and tell them you want to meet them here."

I'm trying some digital enhancement of the topo maps trying to highlight the entrance/exits for some of the locations and key roads. Hope to PM them soon. Here's an overview of area. The stuff I PM you will be better. Lot's of ATV trails if you want to go really deep.

The last couple of times we hunted up there I only baited two area's which over a 25 year time span I've found consistently had bear hit the stations. Apparently generations of bear use the same old haunts and travel ways.

Things can change though esp if they logged the area since I've been there.

One thing you should know about the bear season 2007 as I stated about the opener being on a weekend this is right on the weekend of the biggest celebration of the year at Grand Portage called, "Cajun Days."

Lot of Canadians come down (maybe you'll get lucky aye) and outsiders from all over for the Cajun food and music. It's the real deal, the food and music is all the way from the bayou. It's weird...your in the middle of nowhere next to Lake Superior on an indian res and this big freakin party is going on for 3 days. And I mean par'tay hardy.

You will not get a room at the lodge. They have been booked solid for a long time. You won't get any sleep anyway in the village so plan on camping out.


When was the last time you hunted there?

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2007, 02:40:02 AM »
Been at least 5 years? I'll PM some secret hunting topo's today.
bearfats cabin:

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2007, 03:42:51 AM »
Don't overlook Pennsylvania, great bear hunting across the entire state with the hottest spots being in the north and north central areas.

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2007, 04:34:04 AM »
Pennsylvania is a great BIG black bear state. Only problem is a stupid 3 day hunt!!! No dogs or bait allowed make for a very tuff situation.
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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2007, 05:10:40 AM »
Actually some areas of Pennsylvania have an extra week of bear season, beyond the 3 day statewide hunt. The 3 day hunt is typically the 3 days before Thanksgiving, and the following week starts the Monday after Thanksgiving.

The information below is as listed in the link

BLACK BEAR (Statewide): Nov. 19-21. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.

BLACK BEAR (WMU 3C and Portions of WMUs 3B, 4E and 2G): Nov. 26-Dec. 1. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year. All of WMU 3C. Also, in that portion of 3B, East of Rt. 14 from Troy to Canton, East of Rt. 154 from Canton to Rt. 220 at Laporte and East of Rt. 42 from Laporte to Rt. 118 and that portion of 4E, East of Rt. 42. Also, in that portion of WMUs 2G and 3B in Lycoming County that lie North of the West branch of the Susquehanna River from the Rt. 405 bridge, West to the Rt. 220 bridge, East of Rt. 220 to Rt. 44 and East of Rt. 44 to Rt. 973, South of Rt. 973 to Rt. 87, West of Rt. 87 to Rt. 864, South of Rt. 864 to Rt. 220 and West of Rt. 220 to Rt. 405 and West of Rt. 405 to the West branch of the Susquehanna River.

BLACK BEAR (WMU 3D): Nov. 28-Dec. 1. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year.

BLACK BEAR (Rockview State Correctional Institution): Nov. 26-Dec. 1. Only 1 bear may be taken during the license year. Prior approval must be obtained from prison to hunt.
Just a country boy from the mountains of PA

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Re: Who can recommend a place to go bear hunting in the U.S.?
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2007, 03:31:39 PM »
I went to Idaho last year not far from Boise with Table Mountain Outfitters.  It was a good hunt with most everyone having the opportunity at a shot.  I have a hunt booked with Russel Pond Outfitters in Northern Idaho for next spring.  This past spring they had a 92% success rate.  Its a long ways from home but the area seems to be worth a look.
First figure out what it is and what it ain't and thats generally a good place to start.