Don't be to quick to dump that rifle,I 've just bought one myself and it works like a charm,I've researched them on a few forums ,and ,while there are people who have had troubles ,there are many others who love 'em[including me]I've been waiting for a long time to find one and paid $100.00 for mine .It's pretty nice and at least 59 years old.200 rds. and no malfunctions the 1st day I had her!Remember,any semi-auto has the abilty to go auto from dirt,wear or any neglect and parts are available from many sources, fix it if it breaks,fix it right, with the right parts, and she'll rock and roll just like any other machine,maybe I'm more patient than gunsmiths but I fix guns that others have told me would n't ever work right .I think some Gunsmiths get hung on whats new and still in production ,because, parts are easily available and this makes the work quick,easy and more economical for them ,thus more money in thier pockets .You can't blame them, its a business ,but guys like me ,do it for the fun, to keep and old firearm going . I can't tell you how many guns in my closet I got for next to nothing because they "don't work" -they do now,and safely, and, they look new when I'm done.Many times I've offered to fix them for people and been told "NO,I just don't trust it"!So it goes home and a little solvent,oil, laquer,stain and sometimes parts and I've got a new gun!Most are guns that I did know anything about before,so... I get an education too!Don't get me wrong either,there are times when I had a pile of parts and springs that I was not sure I could get together again- an old shotgun sits downstairs which is the only one I haven't got back together ,but ,I will !Don't worry it's a good .22.Shootrj2003