I have to agree with Ramos. This country is in bad shape, and getting worst everyday, neither the Demos or Repubs are doing anything to get the train back on track. I don't know why, but it seems both parties have put this county on a suscide course, and there is no turning back.
As I see it, it is US, "we the perople" that allowed it to happen. Too many of us set back and complain about how this government is run, but too few let their position be know to the elected officals who have the power to change it. When something goes against the grain, get on the phone, send an e-mail, write a letter, or tell them face to face that you are not satisfyed with the way they are running this country, and that your vote will be placed accordingly at the next election. If we don't act they will establish laws and run the country the way they want to, and say to hell with us bercause we will vote them back in next election.