I haven't seen one as yet but was under the impression they were fully adjustable, just left out the extra piece that got the old trigger into hot water. As to pull weight I don't know that for certain either but almost no factory trigger is safe to adjust to 1-1 1/2 pouinds pull. They are usually just not precisely built enough to be safe at those weights.. And yeah I know so-and-so does them all the time but are they safe.. I've seen some of the output from a couple of the local gun genies.. One would drop the striker if the bolt were operated a bit forcefully..both would drop the striker if bounced on the floor.. This at normal temps. Drop the tempurature to freezing and you've an accident waiting to happen.. They are also supposed to be made with powdered metal techknoledgy.. OK I suppose but not going to take to stoning and polishing well, at least the Ruger trigger parts won't.