Last year I was sick with pneumonia for the entire spring season. Three rounds of antibiotics to finally get over that mess.
This year I planned to take my two oldest boys (7 and 5) for youth preseason. First, it rained so much that the man who farms our land said he wouldn't even try to get to the house for a couple of days. No problem, I think, because we can get to where the turkeys are. Then my Mom gets sick with something like the flu. My dad and I don't want to leave her alone, so we skip a day. Then Dad gets the same bug. By then the preseason is over. Last weekend was the opening day of regular season. My dad is still feeling down and my mom now has a kidney infection. I need to mow and do some things around here and my wife says "You took the boys out last weekend and we are going to visit again for Easter so you shouldn't take them out three weekends in a row." Ok, that sounds reasonable. Now the baby has a cold and at least two of the other little ones are showing signs of a cold and I am, too. We're not sure we want to take the kids out and risk their grandparents getting sick again, plus, it will probably rain out there again this weekend. Plus, I can't see sitting in a turkey blind sneezing and snorting, but maybe the turkeys will hear that and think I'm a wild pig. At least the oldest boy got a hen and a tom last fall and there is more than a month left in spring season. Maybe we can all get well at once and get out there before the end.
At least on our farm we avoid two problems a lot of turkey hunters face: no poison ivy and no fire ants.
I can't wait for fall.