Author Topic: Zumbo's Letter to Congress  (Read 774 times)

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Offline jh45gun

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Zumbo's Letter to Congress
« on: April 04, 2007, 05:56:05 AM »
An Open Letter to the United States Senate

Dear Honorable Ladies and Gentlemen:

It recently came to my attention that one of your colleagues, Michigan Sen. Carl Levin, has chosen to attack firearms owners using remarks I wrote in mid-February as his launch pad. As you probably know, Sen. Levin has been making anti-gun speeches every week for the past eight years because of a promise he made to the Economic Club of Detroit in May 1999.

Mr. Levin has an agenda, and he should have spoken to me before using my name in one of his speeches, especially since his remarks were entered into the Congressional Record. I would like my remarks here entered into the Congressional Record as well.

Sen. Levin is only one of 16 members of the Senate to vote against the Vitter Amendment to the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act. This amendment prohibits the confiscation of a privately-owned firearm during an emergency or major disaster when possession of that gun is not prohibited under state or federal law.

Eighty-four senators voted for that amendment, inspired by the egregious confiscation of firearms from the citizens of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina in the summer of 2005. Those seizures, you will recall, led the Second Amendment Foundation and National Rifle Association to join in a landmark civil rights lawsuit in federal court that brought the confiscations to an abrupt end.

The taking of private property without warrant or probable cause - even firearms - was considered an outrage by millions of American citizens, and yet Sen. Levin joined 15 of his colleagues in voting against this measure. It is no small wonder that Sen. Levin gets an "F" rating from gun rights organizations. He would have American citizens disarmed and left defenseless at a time when they need their firearms the most, when social order collapses into anarchy and protecting one's self and one's family is not simply a right and responsibility, it becomes a necessity.

That in mind, Sen. Levin must know that almost immediately after I wrote those remarks, I recanted and apologized to the millions of Americans who lawfully and responsibly own, compete with and hunt with semi-automatic rifles. I took a "crash course" on these firearms and visited with my good friend Ted Nugent on his ranch in Texas, where I personally shot an AR-15 and educated myself with these firearms.

Some of us learn from our mistakes, others keep making them. Legislation to which Sen. Levin alluded, HR 1022, would renew the ban on so-called "assault weapons," and dangerously expand it to encompass far more perfectly legal firearms. For the Congress of the United States to even consider such legislation is an affront to every law-abiding firearms owner in this country.

This legislation that Sen. Levin appears to endorse is written so broadly as outlaw not only firearms, but accessories, including a folding stock for a Ruger rifle. As I understand the language of this bill, it could ultimately take away my timeworn and cherished hunting rifles and shotguns - firearms I hope to one day pass on to my grandchildren - as well as millions of identical and similar firearms owned by other American citizens.

It is clear to me that the supporters of this legislation don't want to stop criminals. They want to invent new ones out of people like me, and many of you, and your constituents, friends, neighbors and members of your families. They will do anything they can, go to any extremes they believe necessary, to make it impossible for more and more American citizens to legally own any firearm.

In his final paragraph, Senator Levin misrepresents what I said. I never spoke in favor of a general assault weapons ban. Again, I immediately apologized for my blog statement that was exclusively directed toward hunting and not gun ownership.

I will not allow my name to be associated with this kind of attack on the Second Amendment rights of my fellow citizens.

A few weeks ago, in a letter to Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, I promised to educate my fellow hunters about this insidious legislation "even if I have to visit every hunting camp and climb into every duck blind and deer stand in this country to get it done."

I will amend that to add that I will bring my effort to Capitol Hill if necessary, even if I have to knock on every door and camp in every office of the United States Senate. In promoting this ban, the Hon. Carl Levin does not speak for me, or anybody I know.

James Zumbo
Cody, Wyoming

Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

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Re: Zumbo's Letter to Congress
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2007, 06:12:03 AM »
I feel for Jim Zumbo in his mistake and it's good that he has made an apology and is also trying to help in the defeat of gun control legislation. Then again, before he wrote his initial message in his blog about assault rifles in general, he should have put more thought into what it would do and how it would be used to gun owners disadvantage. He opened up a can of worms and once they were open, it's hard to get them back in the can. That's why everyone of us no matter what rifle or firearm we choose, should be in defense of each others rights to own what we want and not what we might not like the looks of.
The Mountain
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."~~Thomas Jefferson

Offline Dusty Miller

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Re: Zumbo's Letter to Congress
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2007, 01:38:32 PM »
And further, we need to stop wasting our collective energy kicking Zumbo while he is down and do more to support those organizations that are fighting for our 2A rights. 
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Offline Mikey

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Re: Zumbo's Letter to Congress
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2007, 12:53:26 AM »
Zumbo is at least man enough to know that when you step in schmidt you don't go tracking it all through the house.

He made statements that riled many, many people and has been taken to task for it and has apologized for the error of his mention.  This last fact may not return him to good favor with some of the shooting world but at least he isn't going to allow his mistakes to be used against the shooting community. 

Good for him, it's what a right thinking man is supposed to do.  JMTCW.  Mikey.

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Re: Zumbo's Letter to Congress
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2007, 02:50:19 AM »
if zumbo wants to be forgiven, this is the path he must take.  maybe some good will come out of this whole fiasco.   good for him.   i will be watching...

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Re: Zumbo's Letter to Congress
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2007, 04:23:21 AM »
Good on Zumbo, but he won't be changing any "gun-grabber's" minds.  That type is born with a birth defect that forever locks them into ignorance and stupidity.  And there's more being born everyday.

Offline rockbilly

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Re: Zumbo's Letter to Congress
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2007, 05:24:40 AM »
At some point, all of us have opened mouth and inserted foot.  This looks like the case on the first statements by Zumbo.

I think this letter reflects his stance of firearm ownership, and clearly identifies him as a man who will stand up and state his case.

A very good letter, I commend him for writing it.

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Re: Zumbo's Letter to Congress
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2007, 05:34:42 AM »
Here's a question for those who still want to kick Zumbo....

How many letters have you written to Congress regarding the 2nd Ammendment?

I don't like what he did, but he seems to be doubling his efforts to the right direction.  Good for him (and us!)
Remington Model 8 and 81 Autoloading Rifles
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Offline cherokee75

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Re: Zumbo's Letter to Congress
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2007, 09:09:08 AM »
I was needless to say, very surprised when I read his blog.  I was equally surprised when so many people wanted to tar and feather him.  I definitely agree he should have not said what he said.   I saw the Spirit of the Wild episode with him and I liked it when Uncle Ted corrected Zumbo after  Zumbo said something to the effect of he has always defended hunting and the 2nd Ammendment but Uncle Ted pointed out he only promoted them.  I guess I just liked the fact Uncle Ted gave Zumbo a forum to address his mistake without coddling him.  I hope Zumbo digs himself out of this hole because I enjoyed his show and his articles.

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Re: Zumbo's Letter to Congress
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2007, 02:02:50 PM »
This is a step in the right direction.  It's a well written letter and I'm glad to see he is keeping his word after his flubub.  I hope the nimrods on the hill at least read the letter.