I get sad, evertime I think about this topic, as I think we are a dying breed although shooting and hunting will continue on a smaller scale,it will never be as it once was outside of a few(non yuppied) rural areas,i,m 49yo my parents gave me a german shepard and a sears single shot 22 ba for my 8th birthday and I was pretty much allowed to go off into the woods on my own ,by age 10 I was shooting on a small bore junior rifle team sponsered by the local legion post,and hunting deer with a lee enfield,I would often venture out a bit while hunting and end up with a long road walk in the dark to get back to my dads hunting camp,I even had a game warden drive me back once,but whose days are long gone ,the area of southern maine I live in is in the middle of a building boom and the same friends of mine who bitch about all the new poeple in town make a good living building houses for them,Its getting so I pretty much have to stick to hunting on my own or my families land as the lands I hunted as a kid have pretty much been split up and devolped,and the local public area is overrun during hunting season.the sad thing is I think many city/suburban kids if allowed to would probaly choose a simalar path as mine ,if thier parents would allow ,as a example last year I bagged my spring turkey on memorial day when I went to the store/check in station it was overrun with tourists mostly mass. plates on thier suv,s many with kids it was the kids who came running wanting to see my tom I even plucked off a few feathers for hand outs, to the one the parents ethier gave me a look of digust or fiegned fear was it the camo or the shotgun in the gun rack ?,or most probaly thier predjices aginst hunters formed by the often baised mass media the kids didn't find my actions revolting as they were actually being kids and acting with a sense of wonder and not toeing the yuppie party line that hunters are scum who should be shunned .the store btw has sinced stopped being a tagging station,I wonder why,