Author Topic: Home made fish oil  (Read 1015 times)

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Offline Ohiotrapper

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Home made fish oil
« on: May 22, 2003, 06:05:34 AM »
Is there any way i can make home made fish oil?? I already have the fish.  I just figured if theres another way to do it i could save some money.  The fish meat i'm gonna use to make coon bait but can i make fish oil out of the remains??

Offline Mallard

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Home made fish oil
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2003, 05:58:41 AM »
Let see if I can't get the ball rolling for you. For what it's worth, I've only been making fish oil for a couple seansons now, but have been happy with the process and results. 1st off, I'm not real sure about using only the remains after filleting, but would guess it would work. There is an awful lot of oil in the meat, so I might suggest catching a few more fish and rendering the whole thing. The oilier the fish the better, and carp, suckers, chubs, and lake trout (in my area) all seem to work well. I start by getting a container with a good lid.  The size of the container depends on how much oil you want. I like using those 5 gallon plastic containers that they sell frying oil in. It's somewhat clear, and I can see the oil forming. Chunk the fish up and fill the container 2/3 full. don't go above this level too much, as it heaves as it renders. Drill a 1/2" hole in the lid and run a 1/2" dia x 36" long tube off of it and SEAL IT WELL. Run the other end of the tube into a 2 liter bottle of water. This allows gas to escape while not allowing flys to enter, as the gas bubbles through the water. Put it out in the sun, and you'll be in the process of making oil. Put it well out away from the house, and even further if your married. LOL. Depending on the temperature, you should start seeing a layer of oil at the top of the mix after a few weeks to a month or so. A turkey baster works well for removing the oil once the process is complete. If a fly gets in.....your oil is screwed. I have tried the panty hose thing, but the flys seemed to lay through the stuff, and ruined both attempts. This method I described, so far, has worked the best for me. Oh, one more thing....put some solid stakes or something around the container as you're sure to get the neigborhood dogs attention quickly. Also make sure your water level stays above the vent tube end. If you miss this, and the end of the tube becomes exposed, the flys will be in and your oil will be shot. Good luck!
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Offline foxtail

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Home made fish oil
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2003, 11:58:24 AM »
My experience has shown that you might have to protect it from coon as well as I have had them chew the tube right off in an attempt to get to the stinky. Wrecked the whole batch.

Offline AdkGuidesForHire

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Home made fish oil
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2003, 05:10:04 PM »
we used to render oil but found it was more attractive if we pressed the fish.

I take 2 or 300 pounds of smelt ( not all at once!) and place them into a press I made out of 2x4's, window screens, slats, old shirts, scrap plywood and a pair of bottle jacks.  if you've ever seen a flower press or little apple press that's basically the idea.

through cheesecloth and old T shirts you can press the fish til only oil ( or mostly oil) comes through. what you are really doing near as I can tell having done both pressing and rendering by sun, is keep the meat out of it so it stays fishy without so much rot. it still rots but not as fast and smells more fishy than rotten over time.

it's late and I have 3 hours of sleep so I may have to re write this clearer later on. hope it helps?
R Weber

Offline foxtail

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Home made fish oil
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2003, 08:38:22 PM »
Please do as I have never heard of the process that you describe. But I am most interested to say the least. Please provide the most minor details when you are quite rested.

Offline AdkGuidesForHire

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Home made fish oil
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2003, 02:07:19 PM »
fish oil and fish meal are made two ways by industry, cold pressing or hot pressing.

this way is a jerry rigged redneck version of cold pressing under hydraulic pressure where all you do after is filter the oil.

email me and I can go into detail about rigs, methods, and the pros and cons of each way.
R Weber