You need to remember one thing here....If its not in writing it doesnt exist. My dad passed away in '95' and all his guns
(20 Weatherby's just for starters ) went to one of my older brothers ( 4 boys total) to be appraised and then split up. That was the end of it he, kept them all...I even gave him back the 9mm nickle plated Colt combat Commander I had "to be fair". If I knew then what I know now !
The whole ordeal was the sickest most digusting things I've ever been a part of. No one would have thought it in a miilion years it could've happened in our family until it did. ! My dads only brother came in to town to help out as a "neutral mediator" so to speak. He was so sickened by it all he left after two days.
It's easy to say, I'd just go and get some of them but it doesnt always work out that way....
If you dont want them in the estate, at least have a list with the model & serial # and who it is supposed to go to....No one wants to bellieve that there will be problems, and the best way to prevent it is to put it in writing...There was also a leopard skin rug that is now worth about $8k that was LOANED / GIVEN to a friend (not one of my friends) ...about 8 yers ago.
The whole ordeal was the sickest most digusting things I've ever been a part of. No one would have thought it in a miilion years it could've happened in our family until it did. !
The best thing you can do for your family is to spell out in no uncertain terms who gets what and have someone from outside the family over see the distibution.