I know it is a bit late , but I wanted to make folks aware of the GreenWing DU event this Saturday in Sikeston. We will have hot dogs, chips and soda, a nice Lab demo , field retrieve , etc. Keith Allen, reknowned Duck Caller will be with us to do a calling Demonstration and suggest tips for beginners. We will have a skeet shoot....broken down in age groups , trophies for the winners...we'll be contructing Duck boxes..., we'll have a lay-out boat, and decoy setup, and the Missouri Dept of Conservation will have a guy or two there, to suggest safety tips in gun safety , and overall ways to improve or help Habitat for the Ducks. Admission is free.....If you are familiar with Sikeston....go south of walmart ( Highway 61/62)to Cnty rd 824, t/r...follow that gravel road ( and follow the signs) about a mile to the event . We hope to have good weather...and lots for the boys and girls to do . Every kid under 17 gets a free duck call. Come on out...let's get "Quackin".....Sat May 5th 10 am -2 Pm