Look at my post here about hard soup. That was how we did jerky for soups when I was in my teens. A few years ago, made some dried mixes for a friend going west for a backpack/hunt. Soaked sliced beef in a salted beef broth overnight, peppered it and dried it like jerky. Used this for various recipes as I don't do well with typical soy/terriaki jerky(allergies). I don't see why any of the following recipes won't work with the typical jerky recipes.
Dried Chili soup. (this is for one person, multiply by number of people to scale up)
1 dried plabano chili
1 dried ancho chili
3 tomatoes worth of sun dried tomatoes(I by the bagged dried tomatoes, not the oil cured ones and then dry further in my dehydrator to remove the leatheryness. Or do my own, I peel and seed plum tomatoes, slice in to 5 slices regardless of size(I always know how many make a whole that way) and dry until hard.
1 1/2 teaspoons cumin
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon red pepper
grind above items in a coffee grinder until a fine powder
add powder to
1 tablespoon onion flakes
1 teaspoon dried garlic(sounds like a lot, but it keeps the bugs away)
1/2 cup dried pinto beans
At camp add 2 cups water and bring to boil. Simmer until beans are almost tender. then add a couple of slices of jerky chopped into pieces.
Cook until beans are tender. Salt to taste at this point. I package all in a medium sized ziplok and insert a smaller ziploc of chopped jerky)
(Told this works well with jalapeno flavored jerky. If you can add some chipolte to your jerky recipe that would be mucho bueno
This is for two people
1 package of dried au jus mix
1/4 cup dried carrots (any thing will work here, celery, parsnips, etc.)
1/2 cup dried potatoes (I buy a scalloped potato mix and use them, they are dried and readily available, I can always find a use for the powdered cheese mix)
1 dried tomato, chopped, not ground
2 tablespoons onion flakes
2 teaspoons dried garlic
Chopped jerky.
Mix with 5 cups water and cook until potatoes are tender. Salt and pepper to taste
Stoganoff (for 2)
1 package au jus mix
dried mushrooms to taste
1 package dried noodles
3 teaspoons powdered milk (I have seen powdered sour cream, but don't remember where)
2 tablespoons onion flakes
2 teaspoons dried garlic
chopped jerky
mix with 5 cups water, cook until noodles tender. (option here is to use a hamburger helper stoganoff mix, follow label directions, add extra water to hydrate jerky.)