I like the snake , it has been said a cleaning rod will wear a bore faster than shooting if over or improperly used . THERE is an article I believe in maybe FIELD & STREAM or one of the other publications this mo. which addresses the over cleaning of the bore . and break in . I'm not sure i buy it 100% but the point i found of intrest was that primers no longer destory the barrel and cleaning intervals could be relaxed somewhat , maybe ?
I use ammonia or sweets 7.62 to get copper foul out and hoppes -9 for most every thing else ! if i have a really bad bore i mix baking soda and oil together and run it thru the bbl. or tooth paste with baking soda works also , takes out dark spots and brightens the bore ( polishes ), for lead removal i use a lead removal tool , the one with the brass screen , not sure i like it but it seems to work ! if the gun is a mess i use kroil for all of , bore , action and surface , then clean off the kroil !
So if i'm hunting with the rifle i run the snake and after the season or a long shooting session i use the rod