Since the early 70's my favorite load in my old Ruger 77 in 25-06 has been a Hornady 100 gr bullet over 52.0 grs of IMR 4350. This has taken lots of chucks, coyotes & several deer. I have moved up to Hornady 117 & 120 for deer to cut down on meat damage caused from the 100 gr bullets. Both weights will shoot sub MOA groups at 100 yrds and almost in the same holes.
What kind of meat damage did you experience with the 100 grain Hornady bullet, compared to the 117 grain Hornady?
My 25-06 is also a Ruger M77 Mk II. I have had excellent results with Rl-22 and Hornady 117 gr. BTSPs or SST's , and H-4831SC with Sierra 117 grain BTSP bullets. Both loads shoot a typical 1" to 0.75" group, with the Hornadys giving tighter results.
FWIW, I have not been able to get a Sierra 100 grain BTSP to shoot well at all. Many different combinations of powder and primer... I have just about decided that it is the boattail that the firearm doesn't like, as I have been able to get a flat-based Speer 100 grain to shoot very well, plus the tighter results of the flat-based Hornady 117 gr. SST. I am not fond of Speer as a hunting bullet though. Thus, the move to Hornady 100 grain bullets with a flat base. We shall see how the results come out. I will give the IMR 4350 a try, as well as Rl-22...The package from MidwayUSA is supposed to arrive today.