I HAD a 308 Handi and it was nice, used a Leupold VX-2 on it. I HAVE a Rem 700 in 7-08 and it is my favorite, good-to rifle. I have a cheaper Simmons 3-9x WTC on it now. Forget what the magnum kids say, the 7-08 will kill anything out to 300 yards easily enough. I load H4895 with Hornady 120 SP and Varget with 150 Nosler BT. I would just get the cheap ammo and see what works in your rifle. I like the 7-08 because there isn't much recoil, 243 type recoil with 120 gr, is surprisingly flat trajectory (read "easy to shoot"), and doesn't use as much powder for the same performance as my 270 (read "I am cheap").