I'd definitely want a 24" barrel, the hornet would be the only one that comes as a rimmed round, but the conversion for rimless to rimmed is kind of a moot point with all barrels being extractors now, the .30-06 extractor should work fine since both the 225 and 30-06 have .473" rims. You might call H&R to see if you can order a 30-06 extractor, not an ejector, an extractor since they're different. Hopefully they won't ask for a serial number, if they do, you'll have to get a serial number from someone here that has an extractor .30-06, .270, 280 or 25-06. I have an extractor 280 barrel, but not the frame, Ken2222 still has the frame I think. Also, hope they don't say it has to be fitted like for George's 17hmr.