This may not be a real popular response to many, but, here is my take on this. For varmints, the .223 does its job when the range does not exceed the cartridges or the shooters efficiency. I don't know what the exact range is, but, 300 or so yards seems to be the distance most talked about. You have a 22-250, and that covers beyond what the .223 cannot. There is certainly nothing wrong with wanting a more efficient round. My thought is, that if you are trying to turn a .223 into a .220 swift, or 22-250 and you already own one, whats the purpose unless you just want to have one to have it, or to experiment and see what the cartridge is like. Which is as good a reason as any.
Depending on bullet weight, your 6mm will cover what the 22-250 cannot when it comes to size of game. It seems like you've got the bases covered, unless it is something you just want to have - Nothing wrong with that.
When I need more than a .223, I go to the 22-250. If I need more, then I go to the 243/6mm. As you can tell, I'm not much in to altering an original caliber unless I do not have one that is needed to fill a void that another caliber will not cover. If barrel erosion is a concern, then don't shoot the gun.
Whatever you decide to do, enjoy and good shooting.
John (Rojo)