So ya want a Kimber , i had one liked it , had a colt also , when money got tight i had to sell one , it was back when Kimber was getting started ! The colt was a custom shop gun it was when colt was getting stopped ! So the Kimber left !
Always regretted letting it go !
Well the other day while at a local plumbing trade show there was an offer that you could get a new Kimber for the purchase of certian products and i needed the product , so now both sons and myself will have a Kimber !
Kimber is a good gun , some may need adjusting ,most don't . You may or may not like a Kimber but they have put more 1911 style gunS in shooters hands that were " upgraded " than anyone , and alot of them are not their guns !
They set the standard 15 years ago and everyone else either fell in line or died ! I am old enough to remember when you got a 1911 then had work done to make it what you wanted it to be ! Kimber changed all that !
I to like a python , but if it were so great where is it ? In its day it was the best , but not good enough to maintain sales ! Think about it in a market where people pay $ 2000.00 for a 1911 . the python couldn't make it at $ 1000.00 !
GLOCK ? come on if a Kimber is a jag , a glock is a Renault station wagon ! Its claim to fame is cheap reliability !
The 1911 has been billed as a experts gun , all the rest claim to be user friendly , but seem to change as sales drop , the 1911 sales are increasing , no small part due to Kimber , Even S&W had to join the 1911 crowd to compete !