Author Topic: Lady Speaker???????  (Read 465 times)

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Offline rockbilly

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Lady Speaker???????
« on: June 23, 2007, 04:17:14 AM »
Is there really any difference between a democrat and a socialist?

Lady Speaker
Madam speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to put a Windfall tax on all stock market profits (including Retirement fund, 401K's and Mutual Funds! alas it is true. all to help the 12 Million Illegal Immigrants and other unemployed Minorities!
Boy, are we in trouble... This woman is frightening.  Take special note of the last paragraph.  Is she really this whacked out?

         Nancy Pelosi condemned the new record highs of the stock market as "just another example of Bush policies helping the rich get richer".    "First Bush cut taxes for the rich and the economy has rebounded with new record low unemployment rates, which only means wealthy employers are getting even wealthier at the expense of the underpaid working class".

      She went on to say "Despite the billions of dollars being spent in Iraq our economy is still strong an d government tax revenues are at all time highs  What this really means is that business is exploiting the war effort and working Americans, just to put money in their own pockets".

      When questioned about recent stock market highs she responded "Only the rich benefit from these record highs. Working Americans, welfare recipients, the unemployed and minorities are not sharing in these obscene record highs". "There is no question these windfall profits and income created by the Bush administration need to be taxed at 100% rate and those dollars redistributed to the poor and working class".  "Profits from the stock market do not reward the hard work of our working class who, by their hard work, are responsible for generating these corporate profits that create stock market profits for the rich. We in congress will need to address this issue to either tax these profits or to control the stock market to prevent this unearned income t o flow to the rich."

       When asked about the fact that over 80% of all Americans have investments  in mutual funds, retirement funds, 401K's, and the stock market she replied "That may be true, but probably only 5% account for  90% of all these investment dollars. That's just more "trickle down" economics claiming that if a corporation is successful that everyone from the CEO to the floor sweeper benefit from higher wages and job security which is ridiculous".  "How much of this 'trickle down' ever get to the unemployed and minorities in our county? None, and that's the tragedy of these stock market highs."

       "We democrats are going to address this issue after the election when we take control of the congress. We will return to the 60% to 80% tax rates on the rich and we will be able to take at least 30% of all current lower Federal Income Tax tax  payers off the roles and increase government income substantially. We need to work toward the goal of equalizing income in our country and at the same time limiting the amount the rich can invest."

       When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she replied;   "We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities.  For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long ways to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as "Americans"."      

Pass it on to all of your brilliant friends.  I just did.

Offline jhm

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Re: Lady Speaker???????
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2007, 04:40:51 AM »
I personally cant wait until I am in the MINORITY, I sold all my cattle last year so as to make room for the CASH COW the Democrats are going to send me, while I wait for that cash cow I will be watching for the stock market to fall so that those who dont or wont work can recieve their fair share, OH wait a minute If the business are broke who will they get their money from the workers?  No wait the workers wont have any money to tax as they will be out of work, well they can get it from the GOVERNMENT as they are producing WAIT nothing the government produces NOTHING so how in the HELL are they going to provide anything when every one is BROKE, Didnt we go thru. ONE stock market crash, how many does it take to realize that someone has to earn to provide, so to those who are SUCKING off of the cash cow, remember the cow goes DRY for awhile every year.   JIM

Offline muskeg13

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Re: Lady Speaker???????
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2007, 09:16:10 AM »
Is there really any difference between a democrat and a socialist?

Rockbilly, great question.  For years we've known the answer to that one.  You need to keep your hand on your wallet when democRat politicians begin speaking.  Now, with the left becoming dissatisfied that the DemocRat party doesn't go far enough, they are promoting a new label for themselves, "progressive."  So we also need to ask: Is there really any difference between a progressive and a communist? 

Hillary for President speech to the Manchester School of Technology, 29 May 2007, in her own words:

Today, I believe we need a new progressive vision for this new century. Now, I consider myself a thoroughly optimistic and modern progressive.

The genius of the American economic in the 20th century was that it helped to counter that tendency for people to push as far as their own interests would take them so that we created a leveler playing field that benefited everyone.

Now, we have seen for more than a century that fairness doesn't just happen. It requires the right government policies. And no one should be surprised, human nature being what it is, people will go as far as they possibly can get away with.

We need to open up CEO compensation to public scrutiny and public challenge and ensure that boards of directors are independent when determining CEO pay.

It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few and for the few, time to reject the idea of an "on your own" society and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Lady Speaker???????
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2007, 02:54:57 AM »

     Lady Speaker...well, she sure SPEAKS uncommonly much...but i'm still looking for the LADY part !...LOL

   Obviously, she is whipping up the old "class warfare" hate, as the democrats always do prior to any election..

   They plan on buying cheap votes with the taxpayer's money..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline powderman

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Re: Lady Speaker???????
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2007, 04:00:51 AM »
The only help the illegals need is to send their sorry butts SOUTH, and keep em there. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline magooch

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Re: Lady Speaker???????
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2007, 05:29:58 AM »
I think that it is painfully obvious that Nancy Pelosi is an airhead and maybe a border line idiot, but I find it hard to believe that she really said any of that out loud.

Now, I can believe that Hitlary would and has said just about anything--except for something that might be true and make sense.

I think that if the truth be known, the Dumbycrats (the one, or two) who are capable of cogent thoughts and possess some semblance of a brain, cringe every time one of these two morons open their mouths.  On the other hand, the Dumbycrats of today might well be so driven nuts by their extreme hatred for President Bush and what they lovingly call Neocons that they drink the Koolaid and nod in approval.

Offline Heavy C

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Re: Lady Speaker???????
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2007, 04:38:43 PM »
She showed how inept she is when she made the trip to the Middle East against the wishes of the White House.  Now we have Hilary wanting to lead this country and she's leading the Democratic candidates!  Scary!  :o  We only think things are bad now.


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Re: Lady Speaker???????
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2007, 02:21:40 AM »
first thanks for steering me to this topic !
second wasn't she the lady who said watch what the dem. will do in the first 100 days , it will set the pace for their term !
well looks like another do nothing worth a flip term !
just another term of buying votes from the special interest groups !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !