In Spain...Spring 2004;
Liberal/ Socialist/ effete political forces in Spain call for Spanish abandonment of the Iraqi phase of the war on terror.
In Spain...March 11, 2004;
Al Queda terrorists plant and explode bombs on commuter trains in Madrid.
In Spain...March 14, 2004;
Spanish electorate choose to become sheeple..backing down in the face of terror...elect Liberal/Socialist/effete gang.
In Spain..March 15, 2004:
Newly elected Liberal/Socialist government announces withdrawal of troops from Iraq..
In the US... fall 2006;
Newly elected Democrat-controlled Congress starts chattering about cutting funds and "pull out" of Iraq
In Iraq... late Winter & Spring;
Sizeable increase in number of attacks on American troops (in attempt by Al Queda to sucker Democrat Congress into pull out.)
In Iraq.... Summer 2007;
Democrats foiled in their "choose to lose" attempt..attacks subside some..some former terrorists now fighting Al Queda and providing "intel".
In the UK ..Summer, 2007;
Liberal/ Socialist/ effete political forces during the Spring, push for a cut & run prime minister.
In UK..June 25, 2007
Gordon Brown elected Labour leader..talks "pull out" of UK troops
In UK, Today, June 29, 2007;
London narrowly escapes a terrorist bombing that would have caused an estimated minimum of 1700 deaths in one club alone.
Do we see a pattern or method to terrorist actions ? Will the British people show more GRIT than the Spanish did ?
My answer is YES on both you agree ?