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Offline Don Krag

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Pre-Independence day party
« on: July 02, 2007, 04:52:17 AM »
We've been having torrential rains down here and are expected more of the same for this entire week. We moved our BBQ to yesterday since the weather was pretty nice...another 1" of rain early, but clearing the rest of the day. Unfortunately, we couldn't roll out the full scale mountain rifle since the ground was so soft and muddy (I didn't want all my purty grass ripped up :)). We did have hours of fun with a coehorn and got to fire the first shots out of my 6" mortar I'm using for the Sikh project. I built a makeshift platform from large concrete slabs, cinderblocks and limestone rocks. We started at 2 oz loads and worked up to around 3.3 oz.

Highlights of the day were the inaugural firing of the cured ham...sure to become an annual event. We found a cured ham in the back of the trailblazer last week that missed getting brought in with the groceries the week before. Cured or not...a week of 100*+ temps in the back of the SUV deemed it unfit. I had to trim it a bit to get it to fit, but it slid ever so slowly down the bore. I used 3 oz and figured the ham would expand and seal the bore. It had an excellent report and it was quite spectacular to see a ham bone spiralling about 200 yards up in the sky. It rained pig fat out over the fields for the next couple minutes as well.  :D

We also discovered a new way to fertilize the fields. A 6" cheapo plastic flower pot (the thin black ones that come with plants) fits perefect down the bore. Filled with sand, it gives just enough backpressure to give a real nice report. I had a bag of weed & feed that got wet and wouldn't work in the spreader, so we launched a pot full with 2.5 oz. Gave an excellent spread and was a whole lot more fun than walking behind a spreader!

The final load was 3.3 oz with about 3lbs of damp sand in a flower pot over top. Mortar recoiled(264 lbs) and cracked one of the thin cinder slabsbeing used as an elevation device in half! Seems like 3 oz is going to be the magic load for when is on a carraige...lots of uumpf and noise but not too much recoil onto the carraige.

I got to fire some maiden shots from some new gonnes as well. I think I got some of the neighbor's hooked on cannons now as well. Although one did inform me that he was out cleaning his stalls when a big one went off and he "almost crapped his pants", but he was polite about it and bore no ill will and even thought it was interesting after we discussed it (the 6" mortar) for a while. I think I will reserve the large bore stuff around here for the 4th and new-years and take it over to a buddy's with a lot more room for other days! The rest of the evening was roman candles and sparklers with all the kids. I got a kick out of one kid. He comes up and asks "Mr Halter, the cannons are cool, but do you have any non-adult fireworks?" They were quite excited to see me pull a case of roman candles from the back of the car.

All I took was video, so I'll have to convert it, edit it down and pull some still shots before I can post pics.
Don "Krag" Halter

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Re: Pre-Independence day party
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2007, 06:45:11 AM »
Post the video as well as stills.
I may not be completely sane, but at least I don't think I have the power to influence the weather.

Offline m223

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Re: Pre-Independence day party
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2007, 02:41:40 PM »
Don , Besides rancid ham and flower pots, what else do you fire out of that bad boy? Way to improvise! Look forward to the pics and or vid.  Have A great Fourth!!  Tracy

Offline lance

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Re: Pre-Independence day party
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2007, 03:24:19 PM »
sounds like there will be plenty of great pics, looking forward to them!!!
PALADIN had a gun.....I have guns, mortars, and cannons!

Offline Don Krag

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Re: Pre-Independence day party
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2007, 04:16:58 PM »
Well plastic flowerpots full of sand and fertilizer and ham were the only projectiles. I did learn that coffee cans fit perfect in it as well. Time to get some cement!

Here's the video a slapped together. The soundtrack is off in several spots due to file conversion problems...but the video is pretty good. I have lots more shots of the coehorn. Once i work out software issues, I'll put a better version together.

Here's some still shots from the day:

The Ham shot. I wish I was quick enough and my camera good enough to have got the hambone up in the sky twirling around!

Next was the heavy load with the sand-filled flowerpot. I just love the smoke rings the mortars create! Next time we'll have to shoot during sunny weather and not during monsoons!

Here's my youngest son's reaction to most shots, right before he starts asking for "more guns daddy, more guns".

Here's a new gonne I was mesing with. I made some sights for it using some copper rivits. Everyone laughed at them until I drilled to beercans dead center at 20 yards. ;D

Don "Krag" Halter

Offline m223

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Re: Pre-Independence day party
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2007, 01:09:50 AM »
Wow that was quick Don , Thanks for sharing. I am still kind of new at this so correct me if I am wrong. The 6" coehorn is the 12 pounder isn't it? Did you purchase this piece or fabricate it? Sorry for the questions, but dang it, I need at least one of those.  Good shooting with your gonne! Thanks again!    Tracy

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Re: Pre-Independence day party
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2007, 01:58:49 AM »
Woo hoo !!! that looks like tons of fun... more, more & more Videos Please..

Offline Don Krag

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Re: Pre-Independence day party
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2007, 04:24:44 AM »
The 6" I made is based on a "1846 type 94 standing mortar". It's from the British-Indian wars and is a carraige mounted mortar. There's another thread titled Sikh mortar...or something like that that shows what the final form will be. The other one we had out there was a coehorn, but I don't remember the specs. It was cast iron and he bought it somewhere years back.

This was made from a mud-pump collar off an offshore drilling rig. It has 1 1/2" walls with a liner 1/4" of hardened stainless steel that required carbide spade bits to drill through! The interiors are as true a 6.000" as I've ever measured! They already have the muzzle whoever designed these had mortars as well as drill rigs in mind! ;) The breech is bored from a 6" round of 4140 steel, beveled, welded and pinned, giving a total wall thickness at the breech of 3 1/2". Trunnions are 2 1/8" 1045 steel. It will still get a little more aesthetic work on the trunnion area to make it look like the original. Of course, the originals were bronze, not steel...but I can live with that. ;D
Don "Krag" Halter