Author Topic: What we look like to the other side !  (Read 585 times)

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What we look like to the other side !
« on: June 29, 2007, 06:57:04 AM »
Have any of ya'll stopped to look back at what we say and write ? not only from a stand point of a political figure in our country but say someone from a different country and way of life . On this site we call our leaders all sorts of negative names , other sites display dirty pictures with their faces put on bodies doing crazy things , maybe its just me but if we act so disrespectful , how can we expect our leaders to respect us ?, or the world to respect us ?
Our military can defeat any army any where in the world , I believe that ! but if we as a people can't gain respect of the opposition what will the effort of the military be for ?
Don't confuse this with people asking for our govt. to explain its action and justify same , that is the beauty of our system , but this crybaby can't get my way B.S. just seems wrong !
Look a Paris Hilton , how many sins has she committed or laws broken  , yet we sit on the edge of our seats for her next escapade ! what would a group of Young women in the middle east think if they saw the coverage afforded her ? How could they respect us for not only allowing it but paying to see it !
am I all wet or not ?
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Re: What we look like to the other side !
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2007, 01:09:26 PM »
D - we should ! we want to lead the world , we should lead by example , and gain respect !
C - humor is not filth !
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Offline ironglow

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Re: What we look like to the other side !
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2007, 02:08:44 PM »

           Don't worry much about that Paris Hilton thing..there will always be a certain percentage of numbskulls that will follow everything any "celebrity" does..but I am convinced  it is a small percentage.
  Other nations in Europe and the far east have the same types..How many people in the UK dote on what the "royals" do..especially the "people's princess" ?
   Similarly, otherwise civilized nations in Europe will have a certain crowd of nutcases that will launch into a full-blown RIOT..if their favorite soccer team loses...
  In the far east riots sometimes ensue over sports and fisticuffs are seemingly part of their normal parlimentary buisiness.

   As far as political satire..that's nothing new, started here shortly after we won our liberty from GB.. Virtually every FREE country has such satire.
   Matter of fact, such countries where the government doesn't allow mocking of their leaders...I don't believe either you or I would want to live in...
   Satirical sketches of leaders are published in places like Germany, Japan, Canada , France, Ireland the UK and the US..

  The government does not allow such publishing in Red China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Iran, North Korea..and that little munchkin dictator in Venezuela is presently shutting down the press and radio &TV stations that don't "toe his line"...tells a lot about that little space-case...

  Yes, there are some in the media that abuse our first amendment, such as Micheal Moore who will lie, make up and fabricate "facts" , make a film about his mental meanderings and call it a "documentary"..but anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows by now, just what an idiot he is..

  ..But let's always fight for our Bill of Rights..even if some pin heads abuse the rights...
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Re: What we look like to the other side !
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2007, 02:19:41 PM »
i think my point is being missed , i like our rights , don't wish to change them , only demand a code of conduct !
if only a few numb-skulls are the case why is tv full of the stuff ? lets demand a higher standard ! as far as satire thats fine i enjoy it , but leave out the filth at least on display to the world .
support the good shows and not the bad ! suppose for 2 nights no one stayed at the Hilton , think maybe they would put Paris in the attic ? look what the descent people did with immigration this week , let tighten up !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline ironglow

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Re: What we look like to the other side !
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2007, 03:54:05 PM »
  You know, it used to be the really great comedians didn't need filth to "get a laugh"

   Abbott & Costello, Jack Benny, Red Skelton and Carol Burnet had real need to stoop to the lowest denominator !

  Now our airwaves and politics are being run by retreads from the "sickening sixties"..and many of them cannot tell the difference...
  since many of them have not upgraded their morals since Woodstock !

   Ugly; but we're stuck with it ...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)


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Re: What we look like to the other side !
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2007, 07:04:00 AM »
satire should challenge us to think , not shock us numb and limit thought !
we are only stuck with what we allow ! my truck has sat. radio and they offered a couple of shock ch's
they called to see if i wanted a free trial , i had heard the jocks before so refused the offer , the operator just couldn't believe it ! WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Cement Man

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Re: What we look like to the other side !
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2007, 08:11:28 AM »
After hearing Stern I cancelled my Sirius.  I am not going to contribute to his $500M.  No HBO in my house either because of the filth, which is sad, because they do have some great programming too.  But, I just can't support the garbage.   If I want to laugh I watch "Honeymooner" reruns and "Barney" on Andy Griffith.  I can't figure out how I can know just about every line by heart and still keep laughing.  Maybe that's why I also find conspiratorial postings hilarious too - Start with the conclusion, cherry pick the supporting "evidence", connect the dots, and wow - you've arrived at the premise you sought to prove. Funny!  ;D ;D ;D ;D
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Offline ironglow

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Re: What we look like to the other side !
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2007, 12:27:20 PM »
  I am just as disgusted as you guys are by some of the junk that goes on across the spectrum of the mass media. I would like to see something done about it....but what ?
  I am not for scrapping #1 article of the Bill of Rights..but yes, I don't buya any of the junk and quietly boycott any product that tries to sell by such exploitation.
  Boycotts alone won't get it however, minds must be changed !

  There are some young minds in our country that know absolutely nothing of decent, courteous behavior..their parent(s) did not teach them and it appears that many schools are not concerned with teaching what refined, civil behavior is.
  I see boys walking in and out of school with their hats on and using very crude language. In this tiny village where I live, my blacksmith shop faces onto the street that goes to the village park.
  Teenagers and younger pass by and  although my doors are wide open, they either don't see or don't care . The words that sometimes emerge from a number of the boys and girls alike are disgusting.
  There seems however to be a difference...some are rude and crude...others demonstrate the manners and courtesy that their parents have taught them.
 I know practically everybody in this town and visa-versa...and believe me, proper upbringing and things such a Sunday school attendance pay off.
  Most such kids retain the manners and decency they have been instructed in, while some few..once off to college a chamelon, change to repulsive, uncouth louts.
  Let's face it, since since the 1960s our culture has taken a nose-dive...

  Traditional Christian and conservative culture requires manners and decent comportment..while the secular, liberal culture which is supplanting it..demands a slovenly approach to anything decent or sacred.

  Our only hope is a "great awakening" type revival...and probably the most effective thing we can do is to assist that revival, by doing as much personal evangelism as we can possibly do; along with  setting a worthwhile example.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: What we look like to the other side !
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2007, 02:09:15 AM »
I totally agree with you Mr. Ironglow sir. The problem our nation faces is spiritual. If enough of us turn back to Christ the political stuff will take care of itself. We will also look pretty good to the the rest of the world too. That "shining city on the hill" Pres. Reagan spoke of will be there again.
Humbly, Mark
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