Well put ACE!!
Its all about how well/fast you can reload. Practice, practice, practice. Take your time, place your shot and use enough gun and you'll be fine. Kinda like my sig below.

I once shot song three dogs from a tree stand with my bow. All in less than one minutes time. Only the last one knew I was there and he found out a bit too late.

I have shot all kinds of critters with S.S. rifles. I have never need an additional shot faster than I could reload my SS. You can get to reload at least as fast as a bolt gun shooter. Keep an additional round close. Either in your offhand, on the butt or in a wrist band. You have herd of pump shotgun shooters out shooting auto's right? Shouldnt be able to be done, right? Well it does and regularly. Especially if you have someone who is good with a pump compaired to someone only average with an auto. Same can be said for the handi compaired to a bolt.
The only two scenerio's I can think of where a repeater I need a repeater, is competitive shooting and personal defence.