Author Topic: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????  (Read 987 times)

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Offline jmckinley

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Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« on: July 01, 2007, 08:29:45 PM »
 >:( I have had a good debate with the gentleman i have hunted with for years and want some input from the followers of Handi  :D
on this matter. My friend says you need a bolt in case more than one yote shows up so you can take more than one dog. My personal feelings on it are simple I thought it was Hunting not killing or am I off base on the issue. The other point for me is I just plain like the Handi's better than the Stevens 200 or the Mossy ATR. Frankly except for Elk a well placed single round will drop most deer or goats quickly. Elk sometime are tougher critters and my require more than one shot to put them down for the count. My feelings for my Handi's are 270Win, 25-06, 243 and 223 or possibly the 22-250. For my Elk rifle I am thinking of a 300 WSM either Weatherby or the Remy SPS. Just want and need some expert advice. Jess  300WSM will have a brake installed. ;D  Jess

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Re: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2007, 08:50:43 PM »
I say it depends, if your goal is to eliminate the yotes, then an AR is the ticket.  If you want to stop at one, no problem there either.  I think it would be hard to get two with a bolt.  The others have a tendency to vamoose when shots are fired.

The are MANY yote hunters that do it to keep them away from livestock they own, so their goal is different than someone just out varmint hunting.
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Re: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2007, 09:37:09 PM »
Follow up shots can be Almost as quick with a Handi vs a Bolt gun. That said Most bolts will be a bit more accurate, and a bit faster on follow ups. I use both... The Handi is Fun,  reliable and light. if i'm expecting Long shots  (300 + yards) I take the Rem 700, If I'm gonna do a bunch of walking, I take the Handi. Both have there place and both do it Very well :) Get used to breaking the action open after every shot with the Handi, it is the first step to FAST follow ups.. ~Ace~

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Re: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2007, 12:45:40 AM »
Well put ACE!!

 Its all about how well/fast you can reload. Practice, practice, practice. Take your time, place your shot and use enough gun and you'll be fine. Kinda like my sig below. ::)

I once shot song three dogs from a tree stand with my bow. All in less than one minutes time. Only the last one knew I was there and he found out a bit too late. ;D

I have shot all kinds of critters with S.S. rifles. I have never need an additional shot faster than I could reload my SS. You can get to reload at least as fast as a bolt gun shooter. Keep an additional round close. Either in your offhand, on the butt or in a wrist band. You have herd of pump shotgun shooters out shooting auto's right? Shouldnt be able to be done, right? Well it does and regularly. Especially if you have someone who is good with a pump compaired to someone only average with an auto. Same can be said for the handi compaired to a bolt.

The only two scenerio's I can think of where a repeater I need a repeater, is competitive shooting and personal defence.

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Re: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2007, 12:58:42 AM »
I think you knew what kind of answers you were going to get here ;D I have converted my bolt varmint guns to single shots. There is little difference in speed of reloading. If anything the Handi is a little quicker. I am not hunting dangerous game. I am hunting varmints. It is  not the end of the world if I miss. Chances are there is going to be no follow up shot, where I hunt. There are too many wood lots, bushy fence rows, hills, etc for follow up shots. The only time I feel I need follow up shots is when I am hunting upland game and I do that with a shotgun. ;)
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Re: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2007, 03:50:32 AM »
hello...calling a double or triple in a coyote stand isn't real my experiance's when a pair come's to the call the aggresive dog come's first & usually the 2nd hang's back a way's...the key is if the second dog spotted you when you shot the 1st...if this is the case...the 2nd dog is traveling @ warp speed to the next county & would be very difficult to hit with any type of be honest my partner & i called four dog's to a stand once & we both got coyote fever..trying to get all the dog's...we both wound up missing a few shot's each & all dog's escaped...embarrasing but true...i'm sure there are better shot's out there than me just focus on killing the lead dog...make shot #1 count...what ever happen's after that is "gravy"...just my two bit's...

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Re: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2007, 04:05:13 AM »
Because of accuracy issues and the fact that I have neither the time, talent or inclination to tinker and fine tune a rifle I converted three of my Handi barrels to two bolt guns and a lever action.  Like a lot of you I like the concept of a single shot gun and still have a 45-70 even though I also shoot an 1895 in that caliber.  I am still waiting for NEF to produce a .44 mag barrel with an acceptable bore size and twist ratio that gets good accuracy with factory size bullets.  Even the latest offerings in that caliber seem to be dammed by faint praise.

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Re: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2007, 09:16:27 AM »
I don't know if it would help in all hunting situations,but I overheard a few guy's at this years PD shoot comment that they were bringing most'ly bolt guns next year because of the fact that they could work the action while still keeping the targets in sight.The pups were very young and stupid and would just set there while there bro's. and sisters were being picked off 1 at a time. The problem with the Handi's was when you reloaded you had a problem of locateing the mound again.   Digger
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Re: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2007, 02:31:17 PM »
This may not help but when a kid I had no trouble doubling on rabbits or quail with a single shot 20 I just held an extra shell in my hand.

Offline Mac11700

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Re: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2007, 03:28:28 PM »
This may not help but when a kid I had no trouble doubling on rabbits or quail with a single shot 20 I just held an extra shell in my hand.

Same for me as well as for doubling with them...but...a shotgun pattern isn't like shooting a single projectile with a scope or sights...This is where bolt guns...even pumps shine...and of course..for maximum bullets on target...a accurate semi-auto...

Predator & varmint hunting to me...isn't the same big game hunting...unless I am selling the pelts..then I make sure they get damaged as little as possible...Varmints I could careless about..and leave them lay......Everyone holds what they do differently to themselves when it comes to taking animals..Jim...your friend is correct ...A good bolt gun will let you stay on target while reloading..So too will a pump or semi auto...a break action single shot won't.. I would concede the debate with your friend...or have someone time you...If you believe you will never need a quick follow up shot with your Handi.. where if you will loose sight of the deer or elk the animal is lost.....1 day you will loose the animal...It happens all the time...Same for taking 2 or 3 coyotes before they scatter...If you don't try to take more than 1 coyote at a time...then it really doesn't matter ...and still is hunting to me when I do take more than 1...same for when I can double on a rising flock of quail..or knock down a double on doves..It's still hunting...

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Re: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2007, 03:01:56 AM »
IMO, your shooting position is important. Certainly shooting prone or with any bi-pod or shooting stix favors a bolt action over a break open design. Long range favors a bolt, especially where the use of a spotting shot is common.


Offline jmckinley

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Re: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2007, 11:18:55 AM »
 ;D  This post has brought out the ideas i thought would be discussed and all have valid points, yet after reading them and thinking more on the subject my ideas are a changing. The bolt guns i will have 270win for Elk, 243, 22-250 and a 223 and will hunt with them all but, my first choice willl be the Handi's in the same calibers. The 3 i have owned are all very accurate light and a joy to shoot. I just think for pure enjoyment hunting with these little rifles are right at the top. If 3 or 4 Yotes come to the call i'll just toss a grenade at em!!!  :o Heck after the first shot the others will be heading for the hills. I'm heading toward 60 and the more time spent in the field the better and carrying a light Handi Rifle makes and enjoyable hunt. I like the idea of 1 shot and making it count. I guess that is the reason i hunted with a bow for so many years until I tore uo a shoulder. Now single shot and Winchester Apex 50cal but that's another story.  Jess ;D

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Re: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2007, 11:33:18 AM »
Jim you answered your own ??. I hunt with my handi cause it carries better (for me) Ive got a rem700 7mag that hasnt seen the woods  since I started with these handis . To me  its the perfect tree stand gun. Now next year Hopefully I ll be headed west for a do it yourself elk hunt. The bolt gun is going. Buttt the handi 45/70 might get packed as well.
I dont care what gun Im using as long as Im hunting

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Re: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2007, 01:40:10 PM »

Jim...They are a joy to carry afield..but...for stand most likely have a good rest of some kind to shoot off  and if you don't...there really isn't any reason for it...and since they are making slings that make even the most heaviest rifles carry like nothing was there..the lightness of a Handi doesn't really matter to much any more...Me...and my way of making sense of "what to take" comes down to a matter of accuracy...and for wouldn't matter which rifle I took...I am what is called...a " pessimistic optimist " I plan for the worst..& hope for the best...but to do that..I have to have the utmost confidence I have repeatable accuracy..I can get that in my Handi's if I take the time to do every thing right..including shooting them the way they do best...but sometimes..this isn't always possible in the limit which Handi I take to this criteria...A properly tuned 223 Handi..can & will shoot along side of some good bolt guns...this is a given..but..most others won't compete as easy...Work up your loads for the rest..bed them as needed..put some weight in the stocks so it won't hurt your shoulder..(even the 270 ultra comp) and get a real good mono-pod or carry type bi-pod and practice off of them...and pick up one of the "claw" slings...You'll do alright with it...and hopefully you won't need the second shot on the big stuff....

RTV bedded 270 Ultra-Comp and Federal Fusion ammo shot over a couple days..

Cabela's carry type shooting Bi-pod

Claw Rifle Sling System...they ain't pretty...but they work great

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Re: Handi vs Bolt Action???????????
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2007, 08:33:17 AM »
Some of the most beautiful and most accurate rifles in the world are bolt action
but if a Handy little hunting rifle is what you need then a Handi is what you want.