Thank you. That is exactly what I was trying to find out. The web sites and magazine articles I have read seemed to interchange the "Timber" and "Timber Carbine." People selling both guns on sites like also interchange the calibers and descriptions. It looks like the "Timber Carbine" was produced from 1999 through 2004, as Mikey noted, and was made in the .444 Marlin. According to the Winchester web site, the "Timber" was introduced in 2004 and was only made in the .450 Marlin. The "Timber" was still in Winchester's 2006 book, even though they shut down the plant in 2006. Also from what I have read, they are probably still making the "Timber" with parts already on had. The "Timber" is hard to find and the prices are very high. I know as I am looking for the Timber in 450 Marlin.