I was forced to switch from a Sig P220 to a Glock 22. At first I absolutely hated the Glock but after I got used to it I have come to really like them. It is not a target gun but then the 40 S&W cartridge is not known for its match grade accuracy and that is not needed for a defensive pistol. It is way more accurate than anyone is going to be under the stress of a defensive shooting situation. As far as the trigger goes, I agree with some of the other posters, the last thing you want on a defensive handgun is a target/match type trigger release. Under the stress of the situation, a 5.5 lb trigger pull will feel like a 2 ounce target rifle trigger. You need an adequatly light smooth trigger release to be able to shoot the gun accurately and safely the standard Glock trigger meets these requirements. The beauty of the Glock is that it indexes well on target, is more than combat accurate, has no extraneous levers or buttons, and is only slightly less reliable than the sun rising in the morning. It is a handgun that you can take a green recruit who has no firearms experence and in the course of about 120 hours of instruction turn them into a competent gun handler who is able to safely handle the firearm, shoot it accurately, and manage to get it into action under stress in an acceptable level of time. It is not the ideal concealed carry firearm because of its width but it can serve that role particularly if you "dress to the gun". But there is no perfect all around handgun they are all a compromise in some way or the other. But based on what you stated you were looking for and what you were replacing, the Glock 23 should serve you well, put a couple thousand rounds through it before forming any opinions about it.